... The ... once in a while there comes a time when you need to cross over that skip of a heart beat fine line.How can I avoid all these business ... scams which sound so good
"Clearing The Cobwebs"
Every once in a while there comes a time when you need to cross over that skip of a heart beat fine line.
How can I avoid all these business opportunity scams which sound so good but leave me feeling empty? Submitted by Michael Lahey June 8, 2003
Everyday there are individuals looking to strike it rich! An idea pops up and you wonder. Hmmmmmm... But then you tend to sit back and wonder - “Should I or Shouldn’t I?”
You sit there fiddling your thumbs; you’re humped over your computer with sweaty sticky palms having a staring match with your monitor. Your index finger is hovering over the enter key waiting for a signal from that brain of yours to tell it to Pounce all over that submit button!
With your mouth still half open, that message doesn’t get broadcast to your finger, you decide to get out of your chair, walk about and think it over.
You start banging your head against a wall, “come on dumb ass, and tell me what to do!” You quietly postpone until the next time. And the rerun begins.
*** Reverse, Not Rehearse Your Failures ***
You don’t want to be labeled as the Newest Sucker in town.
It’s true! Most people are afraid to take a risk in anything that has to do with their money. Nobody can force anything unto you if you don’t believe that the benefits are there. You don’t want to be sold, however everyone loves to buy.
I’m sure everyone has heard this before, “Nothing pursued, Nothing Gained.” In fact, you want to be somebody instead of nobody; you want to be important; you want champagne instead of beer; you want a home instead of a house. And you can only have all these things if you relinquish fear.
Associate yourself with people who are successful, people who have been on the net for a while and have proof in the pudding. Ask their advice about a product, the honest to goodness money making pros will answer and share their opinions. Don’t be afraid to ask them.
*** Respond To Life With Action ***
You don’t want to miss that golden opportunity to “Strike it Rich” - that - “Pot of Gold” lifetime chance.
A weak indecisive approach to life breathes inertia, failure and disappointment. Many people fail to act because they are afraid to make a mistake or think that what they conceive can never become reality.
Thomas Edison was once asked how many times it took him to finally get the incandescent light bulb to work. He replied “1001 times!” The reporter then asked, “Why would you continue, most people would stop after the second try?” Yes, Edison said, but I learnt 1000 ways a light bulb doesn’t work.”
Back in 1880, a man employed by the US Patent Office handed in a letter of resignation. “Everything has been invented that could possibly be conceived of by man,” he wrote, “and I see no future in my job.” Don’t be like this man! The future is full of unlimited opportunities for those who take action and turn their thoughts into realities.
*** Opportunity Knocks at Your Door ***
You don’t want to try it because you were spammed.
Not all golden opportunities come from people you know. Sometimes a complete stranger will announce something really intriguing.
Picture this, you are in the 1600th century, you’re on the front line behind six bails of hay and you’re about to be crushed by 500 enemy savages with axes and swords raging toward you. A man hurries behind you and taps you on your shoulders.
He’s a salesman, you tell him, “Can’t you see I’m busy here!?” Angrily ,“ GO AWAY WITH YOU!”, “pesky salesmen,” But... you see, the salesman has a 21st Century High Power Machine Gun loaded and ready to go!
Opportunity knocks all the time, here’s how to check them out if you are curious.
There is one other thing you don’t want to overlook and that’s what if it’s really a scam? What do I look for, how do I investigate it further and quickly?
The first thing you do if it sounds to good to be true, is to check when his domain was created by going to http://www.whois.net . Just type in the domain name and it will display the owners name, where his address is and the date it was created.
This way you can find out exactly how long they have been in business. If the ad says that he’s been making $10,000 a week since 1998 and his domain name was created in 2003! Close that window and move on!
Another thing you can do is find his contact page and email his address for more info.
I get it kick out of this one. You receive an email from nowhere and it’s a dynamite pitch, “you gotta see this, this is awesome, but you gotta do it now, or forever hold your peace, you have until midnight tonight for this blow you away money machine.” “Confirm your email address now and I’ll send all the details - Just watch this cash cow sing!”
So I did. I get back an email directing me to this person’s website. “Here it is Lonnie, the first 100 gets in and no more. It’s over! You’ll make $10,000 in 12 hours.” “This is how it works, blah blah blah...”
You know what? If they make that much money in 12 hours, why in the world would they have a piggy back domain name like www.groups.yahoo/itinter/will.php?
You see if they are capable in making that much money they would have a domain name of their own. Best policy here is to back off and move on!
Testimonials - If they don’t have a name you recognize or there’s no way to contact them via email or otherwise, it puts skepticism in our my minds. Beware! They could all be phony.
*** It’s Never Too Late ***
You don’t want to be on the “Rats Tail End” with nobody left to sell it to.
There are millions of new websites going up every month and many of them have no idea what they are facing. They think they know enough to make them rich and soon they discover there’s something missing. Like an Outstanding eBook like Million Dollar Emails.
This eBook made outrageous amounts of cash and still does. The sad thing is some net-preneurs give it away for free or sell it for a $1.00. If you cheapen a great product you have just cheapen yourself. Be careful on what you give away.
The greatest Book of all times is called “How To Win Friends and Influence People,” by Dale Carnegie. He sold millions of copies and you can still find this book in your local shopping mall book store for sale.
If you have a great product, never bring it’s value down, keep in mind that the internet is still very new and that there are a million more users waiting to purchase that product.
You’ll never be sorry you bought that eBook. Have respect for your products and your customers will have respect for you. Authors will be honored as well.
* Goals Are Achieved With A Focused Vision *
You just spent $$$$ on this project and it isn’t finished, but you don’t want to miss this chance either.
Ah yes! The Internet is flooded with golden opportunities and they are so tempting. You must realize that opportunity will always be knocking at your door. It has been for thousands of years and there is no telling when it will stop.
So you got an idea and you want to build it. Keep your brain in gear, focus at the task at hand, follow it through to it’s completion. Then just automate your business so you can move on to your next project.
Once you have automated your business website and carried through to the end of your project, you have accomplished 96% more than any other business website out there. If you can automate it, you will want to AutoPilot it.
*** No Ifs, Ands or Buts, Period! ***
Your PC is very powerful and it can be scheduled day after day to take on your daily chores. Once it’s set and ready to go, you can move on and try something else. Let your PC AutoPilot most of it for you.
You will achieved and gain a lot more if you focus your attention at the task at hand, rather than scattering your brain. Don’t become like a drift wood floating in the middle of the Pacific Ocean with no place to go.
You will undoubtedly see more results by following a simple rule of thumb. Be like Thomas Edison and learn from your mistakes, stick to it, make the neccessary changes, make it happen and then automate the project and move on to your next phase.
To see more what automation can do for you, Check below and discover how AutoPiloting can earn you money while you sleep.
Lonnie Amirault is an IP Consultant and a Certified PC Technician. He has trained 1000’s of sales agents across Canada how to sell dedicated bandwidth for the purpose to do business online. If you have any questions about automation you can Chat with him LIVE Monday - Friday between 1:00 - 2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time. Automating your website into AutoPilot.