The Internet probably is one of the most used and highly functional invention of all time. It gave anyone with access to it to various purpose
It is being used to meet new people,

research over a certain topic for which data before had been highly inaccessible, promote or advertise a certain product or service and greatest of which probably, is to earn money.
Earning extra cash through Internet use at home probably is one of the most useful aspect, especially for those who are not capable to work at an office for a eight-hour period.
How is work performed at home with the use of the Internet? Below are some the most common situations.
1. Stay-at-home moms/dads. For the mothers who are blessed with the opportunity to stay at home to oversee the growth of their children, at-home work probably is the best answer to give them time to relieve stress and indulge in the money-earning, interest driven activity.
This may be in the form of writing. Written material, for example, a children's book, may be send to the party involved-the publicist, through email messaging.
Such activity or mailing enables the mother to accomplish needed task without necessarily leaving the confines of their home or her children.
Other income-generating activity for those who are at home may be that of writing well-researched materials for certain companies, blog writing, promotional advertisement writing or any other form of written materials which can be sent to the party needing the item. The most popular of which nowadays, jobs as Medical Transcriptionists.
The job of a medical transcriptionist is to transcribe or produce in a written form, medical data of patients (sent in audio form) which are provided by the doctor or company/hospitals who needs to store patient files.
The current market is presently catered to by some Asian countries from where manpower sourcing and employemnt is provided at a much competitive rate.
2. For office workers. Need a vacation but has a deadline to submit a pertinent document that is still on the draft side? An individual may still go with, for example his family for the much postponed trip to the Bahamas, and still be able to email the report to the boss on a specific time, all through the use of the Internet.
Likewise, video-conferencing probably is one of the highly-useful and cheaper means of coordination. Where one before needs to purchase airline tickets to meet clients overseas, one now can meet through the mere use of a camera and audio-visual set.
3. Promotional advertisement. The salability of an item, most often than not, is determined by the number of probable consumers reached. Maximum exposure of the product or service, may be attained through internet advertisement since the Internet can reach almost all age groups of the market.
What the promoter then needs to determine is from where best to post such advertisement.
Almost any type of business can be advertised in the Internet, such as homemade products (cakes, cookies, jams or handicrafts) or services (housecleaning work, medical transcription jobs or writing works).
Still, for whatever money-earning purpose work is done through the Internet, every individual must always take into consideration the following:
q Legality of the product or service being sold or advertised
q Capability to keep up with the probable demand of such work involved (so as to attract more or retain current market)
q Interest. This would ensure the longevity and success of the work since if the individual truly enjoys what he or she is doing, the person would not tire of the work and would most often than not create new ideas for its improvement.