Create My Own Web Page --- Creating A Domain Name To Make Money Using Your Computer
Create my own web page. The Internet can seem a daunting place. Where do I start? It is not as difficult as you my think!
As the Internet evolves it is having a greater impact in our daily lives. If you have thought to yourself,

can I create my own web page? Then the answer is yes you can. It is not as hard as you may first think. You may even consider to make money using your computer and your website could provide a means to make yourself an extra income.Firstly you will need a domain name for your web site. A domain name is like your online address. Just like your postal address for your home or office. To get your domain name you need to find a domain name registry company. Surprisingly they register domain names! There are a vast number of domain registry companies online for you to choose from. Do some research onto the one that suits you best? Factors to consider will be, cost per domain name, is there a domain name sale on, what support facilities do they offer. • When you purchase your domain name you will be offered options for how long you want to register the domain name for. Usually this is over one or two years. How long you choose will depend on personal preference. • Some companies will offer the second year at a slightly discounted rate to get you to opt for two years. Either way they will contact you as your domain name registry expires so you can renew if you still have your site up and running.• When you purchase your domain the companies usually try and sell you a wide range of extra facilities, adding extra domains, personal email addresses for your domain, hosting etc. At this stage you will be best just to purchase the domain name alone while you are getting to grips with things, you can concentrate on these extra when you want to make money using your computer. Rather strangely I found one of the hardest parts when I started to create my own web page was selecting a name for my domain. Unless you are going to be very specific and want a domain name something like saturdays and sundaysarebetterthanmondays com. You may find the first domains you like are already taken.Trying using the thesaurus if you get stuck for words. Try not to make your domain name too long if possible. The more geared towards your topic or niche your domain name is, the better. Try to avoid using lots of hyphens e.g. Also avoid identical letters next to each other e.g. computinggameessuccess. ComYou may find that you want to make money using your computer so you may want to opt for a more professional looking domain name.After a bit of a play around you will find the domain you like and be well on the way to answering your question, can I create my own web page? Learn the A-Z of how to start online, please visit my website and download my free e-book.