Create My Own Web Page --- You Need Hosting to make money using your computer
Create my own web page --- Once you have a domain name you will need to find a hosting client. Where do I start if I want to make my own website?
When you have a domain name you are well on the way to getting the answer to your question of can I create my own web page. The Internet can sometimes be a confusing and scary place. It is important to take time on each aspect and learn the basics in detail for long-term success. Who knows you may even find that eventually you can make money using your computer.Once you have a domain name for your website you need to find a hosting company. A hosting company for a fee will provide online lodging for your web site,

a bit like a virtual innkeeper. There are a large number of hosting companies/sites online. Take a good look and do your research. There are a lot of people online wanting to take your money and you can very easily find yourself parting with lots of cash. Trust me I have done it myself. So as ways spend time looking at the alternatives. Various things to consider will be;• Control panel, does the hosting company have a control panel for your hosting so you can make changes as and when required. • Technical support, do they offer this, is it email or telephone support, is it twenty-four hour? • Do you have to sign for a contracted period and do they offer you a money back guarantee. • The good thing about the Internet is that you can track information. Can the hosting company provide you with traffic statistics? I found that there are an array of hosting possibilities. There are some further factors to consider before you are can make money using your computer. • Hopefully your web site will grow so you will need to consider the hard disk space the hosting company offers you. • Take into account the bandwidth they allow. A web site using lots of video and audio can use a lot of bandwidth. Some membership sites and forums also offer free hosting. Technically you pay for it in your membership, but this may be a good alternative for you. You can get good quality hosting at the same time as exceptional quality content and forum topics at a membership site. When I wanted to create my own web page I had a good search over the online before I choose my hosting company I recommend you do the same.