Daycare – More than just sitting in front of the Television
Daycare is not necessarily prison for the young. Your child can learn many wonderful things during their day and build friendships that will last the test of time.
With the state of the economy it's no surprise to find that many mothers are working. While you work though,

your little one will have to go somewhere right? Daycare, while not the first choice of many parents, is actually a good option if you take the time to find the right one.
While all daycares are different you can find some that don't just sit the children down in front of the television all day. These learning centers will help open up their little minds to a variety of things. It might amaze you to learn that your two year old can be potty trained, even if the experts say wait until they're three. It might also floor you to see your three year old write her own name, or at the very least be able to read it and those of her classmates.
These learning daycares help your child get a head start by introducing them to things that they might not learn until kindergarten at an early age. They will also learn those all important social skills that will enable them to transition to regular school easier than those who stay at home. They will learn to play and interact with people who don't look, think or act as they do. You might be surprised to see that much of the discrimination we battle in this country doesn't happen at this level. Kids don't see things as we do and exposing them much earlier will help them to keep that sense of non-discrimination.
While your child will be in a learning environment at these types of daycares they will have lots of opportunities to exercise their bodies as well as their minds. Often these places have playgrounds and not only take them out a couple of times during the day but also engage in nature walks during certain times of the year.
Their imaginations will also be sparked with stories to read and many different toys to play with. These traditional toys often only move under the power of the child so they will have to pretend to make the toy work.
While daycare isn't the first choice of many parents, it is a good choice if you can find one that does more than TV time. You will be allowing your child to experience things that they wouldn't normally get to be exposed to until later in life.