When starting an Internet business, unless you are already self employed, you will most probably find problems ensue with regard to your own discipline. This article coves a few cheap and easy solutions to ensure the transition is as pain free as possible.
We�ll assume that you have not been self employed before as you now start up in your own Internet Business. One thing that is likely to happen is that you will start to put off the more onerous aspects of the job - by onerous,

you may find that even those tasks which you once found enjoyable become rather a trial when you have to take full responsibility for their completion, come rain or shine.
The idea is to aim for consistency. I would recommend that your goals are quite easily achievable in the first instance. This is for three reasons.
1. You will become demotivated if you fail badly.
2. If you achieve comfortably in the first week what you have set out to do (a projection ) on paper, you can then record your actual achievement and use it as a guide for the following week�s goals. Remember, if your goals are too ambitions, you will feel too exhausted to even bother to get stuck back in.
3. Having an achievable plan allows you to project how much output you will be able to achieve. This will provide some assessment fodder ( as I call it ) for the next few weeks.
I will go into assessment a little bit because this is how you are going to analyse your routine and so give you a chance of providing the information you will need to project the future course of your business. Let�s imagine you have come up with a projected hour a day to cover each of the following tasks over the course of a week:
1. Write article.
2. Renew free classified advertisements.
3. Revise and upload article.
4. Create new Google Ads campaign.
5.Deal with e mails and book keeping.
6.Re set goals for next week and any other bits nod bobs.
7. Day off - very important this!
Write each tasks down the side of a spread sheet and place a column after each one entitled - Projected Time and then one for Actual Time. Complete the projected and at the end of each day, fill in the actual time taken. After the first week, re set the goals which, hopefully, can now be more realistically set for the next week.
Just a word of warning here - I should try to set your hour per day at the same time as you will then automatically begin to switch in to working mode without even realising it. You want this state to become automatic so that you spend more time doing and less procrastinating about it!
This simple plan will allow you to become consistent very quickly when starting an Internet business. This is because you will find out what you can do comfortably ( not what everyone else thinks you should or shouldn�t be doing ) as well as providing you with a realistic vision of what is achievable. This will enable you to extend your goal setting to include such aspects as projected incomes and outcomes amongst other things. It will also allow you to aim for your maximum potential output level per hours worked whilst keeping the consistency which is so important to your new venture.
If you're interested in learning more about starting an Internet business and the training required, please watch the video on my website that shows how I found a company that can provide you with both.