Let's take a look at what you can do if you are frustrated with the results you are getting from your online home based business.
There is a good chance that you will become frustrated at some point if you are building an online home based business. It probably has already happened to you and most likely more than once.
So what can you do if you are frustrated with your online home based business and the results you are getting?
1. Why are you frustrated? This is the first question you should ask.
It is important that you stand back and assess whether you are really putting in a good effort to build your online business. Your business will not build itself.
One common problem I see is people sit in front of their computer and pretend to be working. Surfing the Internet,

hanging out in social sites, making yet another change to your website, and so on, is not always time well spent.
Be honest with yourself and determine if you are really doing the necessary things to build your online home business or not. It is likely that you could become more effective in how you spend your time.
2. How do you spend your time? This is another good question to ask yourself.
It might help you to maintain a daily log of exactly what you are doing to build your business. Once you have your website in place, and a follow-up newsletter or email campaign ready, 90% of your time should be spent on advertising and marketing.
Building an online business at home, that means getting backlinks to your website. Whilst there are many proven marketing strategies you can implement it is important that you master at least two of them.
3. Effective online marketing strategies you can use. This means combining paid advertising with free advertising.
One of the best ways to get long term backlinks to your website is article marketing. Article marketing is something any serious Internet marketer can do.
If you do not have time to write articles, or you don't feel you can do it for one reason or another, then you should outsource this to a freelance article writer. This would be an example of how you might have to spend a little bit of money to build your business.
Pay per click advertising is a proven strategy for generating immediate traffic. Most successful online home business uses some form of paid advertising to generate traffic to their websites.
Ultimately you can lessen your frustration with your online home based business if you concentrate on advertising and marketing. To generate traffic to your website this is the one thing you should be doing every day. Your business will grow and your frustration level will decrease if you do this on a consistent basis.