Our economy is circling the drain, and we with it. People are getting laid off and "downsized" all over the place. Many are turning to the Internet to start up new businesses. But can they honestly make a living in here? How many will it stand? Please read on and I will try to take a look at it.
Many people today are trying to get out of their daily boring jobs. That is not without reason either.
Many people can relate today with someone who has been laid off or their company has "cut back". Right? Not only may we know someone who has been left out in the cold,
but there may even be a good chance we could end up in the same boat sooner rather than later.
That brings many to the idea of "What if"? Should I start my own business? What if I became the boss? Why can't I make the decisions? How about if for a change I made the bulk of the money? Why can't I drive this train? That is a bunch of "what if's", isn't it?
Then, if I did begin my own business, what would I do? Do you have any talents someone would be willing to pay you for? Well, do you? Perhaps there anything you have always wished you could do, besides just make a living? Could you actually get paid to do it? Could you really support yourself doing it?
Everyone relates Working at Home today with Internet Marketing. That's the farthest thing in the world from the truth. If you stop for just a second and look at your own life. How many people do you know that works from their home? Anyone? Here is betting that you do!
But you know, usually they really work for someone else, isn't that true? They probably do data input, telecommute, or are a salesperson, or something like that, isn't that right?
How many actually sit at home and work for "themselves"? I bet none of the ones you thought about are really "self employed, are they?
There is nothing wrong with that. Well... maybe just one thing. IT IS STILL JUST A JOB! Now isn't what we mean when we talk about a Work at Home Business being self employed? Sure it is! We want to be the boss, the owner, then one in charge! That's the whole thing in a nutshell, isn't it?
So let us look into the Internet to achieve getting into business for ourselves. How do we get started? Do we need to be a "geek" and will it require knowing HTML? What will be the time requirement and how much cash will it take? Is it possible to make a living and how long before the money starts coming in?
The answer to all those questions is a definite "WHO KNOWS"? There are as many different answers as there are people who are in here trying to accomplish it, RIGHT NOW! I would venture to say definitively that most - MOST - people in here who are attempting it will fail. Sorry, but that is the truth.
Fact is that most people don't have what it takes to tough it out. That's just the plain hard truth. Most won't put in either the time or the effort that it will need to take off and do what they want it to do.
Why is that? The reason most of us work for someone else is quite simple. The steady paycheck, we are lazy (that's not to say you don't work hard) and have certain "fears" that we just can't overcome. And most of all, we won't stop that pesky little voice in us saying, "What if it fails"?
Well, I am here to tell you that until you conquer yourself, you shouldn't even try. I am currently retired and have started four businesses out there in the real world.
There isn't a time (looking back) that I wasn't more self assured, more in control, prouder, and happier than I was while running my own business.
I will say that you CAN DO THIS! I am positively 100% certain of it! Anyone can do it, but you have to believe it, not me, not someone else, - THEY DO!
Okay, how about some good news? I am going to give you an e-Book that will tell you some ways to get off and running here on the Internet. It is a 41 page guide to get you going right out of the chute. Will it make you an expert? no it will not. But it may give you just enough to make a decision...and after all, IT IS FREE! Can't go wrong there, can you?
You will need to sign up on my sign in page and the e-Book will be sent to you as soon as I get the info. You have to remember, if you want things to change, YOU HAVE TO CHANGE!