So you have the site prepped and ready to go? GREAT! But are YOU ready to go? There's more to it than just starting it up. Make sure you have what it takes to keep it up and running. Please read on and see what I am talking about.

you have that website up and functional , you have all your personal items or affiliate products inside, have your ways to pay for it in place, and now you are ready to get going!
Now it's relaxation time, right? Pretty soon millions of Internet shoppers will be knocking down your doors. You will be in need of only one thing, a wheelbarrow to haul that money to the bank, right?
Understand, we all know that is not going to happen. Anyone who has been doing this for longer than 30 days, understands it just doesn't happen like that, right? Unfortunately not all of us to know that. Some are going to have to learn as most of us have, the hard way.
BUT... and that's a big BUT... all is not lost. The Internet is an ever-growing and expanding place. The need for new entrepreneurs and businesses is always here. It is astounding how large and eager this ever growing enterprise is!
For instance, the entire planet is involved! That's correct, there are almost no gaps in the reach of the Internet. Countries that still have mud huts and no shoes have internet access. And virtually everyone in those countries have heard of the web if they aren't already using it.
Next, if you want it, someone, somewhere on the Internet is selling it, or they can find it. That's a fact. Want to check it out? Go to your search engine or eBay and look. You will be amazed, I promise. It is almost impossible to not find somebody someplace who has what you need.CHECK IT OUT!
Next, the only thing that holds you back is yourself! Correct, the largest thing holding you back is yourself. Not that there isn't a lot to learn, to do and to keep up with, there is. In the end, you will be your own worst enemy! It's going to require that you are 100% involved every day. You have to get the ball rolling and then don't let it roll over you. IT WILL MEAN YOU MUST STAY COMPLETELY ENERGIZED AND FOCUSED!
What I am discussing here is your ability to "roll with the punches". There will be more than your fair share. This happens in all business start ups. You cannot just open the doors and customers start rolling in. Life doesn't work that way, not for you, not anybody else.
Sure, there are people who get instantly lucky and off they go. Mostly because they were in exactly the right place at the right time. It wasn't anything that they did right or whatever. Just lucky. Do not compare your launch to theirs, okay?
Every new business will have a "growing period". One will be long, the next will be less long. Please don't expect yours to be really short. If it is, GREAT! That is not the normal however. If you began three at the exact same time they would not all perform the same. Normally they will all go, just in their own time frame. This is VERY NORMAL!
So why write this article? Why should I read it? It's just to say your business will do just fine. However you must be able to let it take off as it will by itself. Think of it as a brand new baby. It will take time to learn to see, talk, eat on it's own, walk, and fully mature into a normal child. You will be there to help it along. Give it some space, help it all you can, and love and nurture it as you would your own child.
I wish you the very best in your venture, and know that if you apply yourself to it, IT WILL SUCCEED! Please keep in mind however, that devotion and focus is required and you are where that comes from. It was made by you and you need to MAKE IT GROW AND THRIVE!