Wouldn’t it be nice to know that there is a way to get what you want? Whether it’s in business or your personal life, this article will clearly show you the steps you need to take to achieve your goal
Wouldn’t it be nice to know that there is a way to get what
you want? Whether it’s in business or your personal life,
this article will clearly show you the steps you need to take
to achieve your goals.
I heard it said once that vision without action is only a
dream, but action without vision is a nightmare. In my first
article, The Road To Success - A.C.T.I.O.N., I discussed
action. So today, I’d like to discuss vision with you.
The first thing you need to do is to establish what your vision
is. In order to accomplish goals, it is very important to be
focused. To be focused, there must be something to be focused
The reality is the future is coming whether we’re ready for it
or not, and those who don’t create the future they want will
have to endure the future they get.
What does your future look like? Take some time and think
about what you would like your future to look like. Write your
ideas down. Once you have some ideas to work with you can begin
developing a plan to create your future.
For example, let’s say you are currently employed outside of your
home on a full time basis and your vision is to be able to work
from home. Now that you have defined your vision it becomes much
easier to develop a plan to achieve that vision.
Part of your plan should include research to find out if your
vision is realistic or a pipe dream. So using our example of
wanting to work from home, you would begin researching options
that would provide you with an income from your home. The more
research you do, the more focused your vision will become, and
the more likely you are to succeed.
Depending on what your vision is, you may get overwhelmed by the
size of the task ahead of you. Remember these sayings, the way
to eat an elephant is one bite at a time and Rome wasn’t built in
one day.
The next step is breaking the task down into manageable chunks
that you can handle.
Completing this step is crucial. Many people give up at this step
and get lost in what I call “action avoidance strategies”. What
are action avoidance strategies? Here are a few of them:
•Analysis Paralysis
•Lack of Good Reasons to Complete the Task
•Fear of the Unknown
Now, once you are 70% of the way to being ready to begin, start
moving forward. If you wait until everything is perfect to begin
working towards your vision you will never start. The other 30%
will unfold as you move forward and this allows you to select,
reflect and correct your plan along the way.
Intentions + Action = Results
It’s imperative to move out of the planning stage and into the action
stage if you want to create your future and accomplish your vision.
Get a big vision and then go after it!!