How to Achieve Your Goal of Running A Home-Based Business

Jan 3


Laurie Hayes

Laurie Hayes

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Many people achieve certain amounts of success, but they are often short lived. Discover how to create long-term results for yourself by simply changing your programming.


Many people have a goal of breaking free from their job to run a successful home business,How to Achieve Your Goal of Running A Home-Based Business Articles but many fail to achieve their goal.

Why is this so?

Some blame it on laziness, fear, procrastination, or lack of skills, knowledge or support.

Some say its because the person isn't smart enough.

Academic smarts and IQ have very little to do with business success. How many people do you know who aren't considered the brightest or best, yet they are making more money than most doctors, lawyers and professionals?

Many of history's (and today's) biggest successes in both life and business are high school dropouts, had troubled childhoods and weren't expected to amount to much in life.

Laziness, fear, procrastination and a host of other reasons do contribute to failure, yet they are byproducts of underlying beliefs that perpetuate negative conditions.

The biggest contributor to your success as a home-based business owner is your mind. Your beliefs about who you are, what you're capable of, what you deserve and what is possible.

Short-term goals are often achieved because you use your conscious mind to fuel your actions. For example, if you want to lose 20 pounds and make it your mission, you can achieve this goal in a fairly short period of time because you committed your time and energy to making it happen.

But, after a year or even less, you may find yourself right back to where you were and this is because you didn't change your long-term programming to keep the weight off.

Your habitual way of functioning in the world is controlled by your subconscious mind. Your conscious mind drives between four and ten percent of your actions while your subconscious mind guides between ninety to ninety-six percent of your actions.

Knowing these facts helps you understand why so often after a certain result is achieved, it is rarely maintained.

In order to create long-term results, you need to change the programming in your mind.

You operate more than 90 percent on autopilot and need to change the flight manual so your automatic actions consistently move you towards your goal and beyond.

Repetition is the key to reprogramming.

When you were a baby, you had to focus your attention on keeping your balance while trying to stand and supported yourself with furniture and walls as you learned to walk.

Today, you can jump out of bed and run for the phone without having to think about how to steady yourself or worry about falling.

Through repetition walking became automatic. Your subconscious stored the information and now runs the program automatically so you can focus on other things.

The same goes for talking, feeding and dressing yourself, forming sentences, writing and reading. These activities don't require intense concentration on your part because you spent so much time practicing them they became automatic.

As you build your home-based business, you need to become a different person. You need to develop a mindset that runs on autopilot with the following programming:

-        you deserve to live a life of passion and purpose

-        you deserve to be wealthy, happy and healthy

-        you are one hundred percent responsible for the results in your life

-        you have what it takes to succeed

-        you are powerful, creative and resourceful

-        everything that has happened in your life has made you strong

-        people love to do business with you

You also need to program specific actions to run on autopilot. For example:

-        getting sufficient sleep, waking at the same time each day and going to bed at the same time each night

-        eating a breakfast high in fiber and protein instead of a donut or three cups of coffee

-        following structures and processes around how you spend your time and the activities you perform

-        hanging out with people who are where you want to be

-        reading different books, watching different programs, talking about different subjects

These are just a few examples but hopefully they got your creative juices flowing.

The most important thing is consistency and repetition. Much of our programming dates back to our youth, so changes won't occur overnight. It actually takes a minimum of 25 consecutive days of specific thought and action for your mind to start forming new neuro pathways to reprogram your subconscious. This discovery was made in the U.S. space program while conditioning astronauts for travel.

New subconscious programming is the key to your long-term business success. Give this matter one hundred percent of your focus and commitment and you will set the foundation for a life of true happiness and prosperity.

2006 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source