If you are serious about becomingsuccessful as an online entrepreneuryou need a good mentor - someone whocould show you the proper steps tobecome successful.
With any business venture, whether online or offline, it is important thatyou find someone who has traveled thesame road you plan to travel and theyare willing to share their experiencescandidly and honestly. You want someonewho has YOUR best interests in mind -not just THEIR wallet.
If you're like most you will comeacross a lot of so-called "gurus"and "experts" claiming to have all theanswers. However, what I havediscovered is that many are scam artists looking to make a buck off ofunsuspecting newcomers to thisbusiness. They will make wild and crazyclaims about how you will become richovernight if you buy their product,their service, their tool.
You've heard the typical claims like,
"Buy my book today and you will have $1 million dollars in your account tomorrow!"
Let me say this before I move on. Youhave heard it before and it is helpfulto hear it again.
"If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
So you may ask, "So what do I do? How can I tell the difference? Who do Itrust?"
Contrary to popular belief there are some good people on the Internetwilling to be of service to the newgeneration of online business owners.They truly have your best interestsin mind.
The definition of a mentor according to Webster is,
Let me give you 4 simple points to helpyou find a good online business mentor:
It goes something like this:
"I am still fairly new to this wholeInternet marketing thing. I've tried ahandful of opportunities and spenthundreds of dollars on information andservices so far. I've gotten nowhere.I need to start making money now! Canyou help me finally grow a reliableincome source online like you did?"
If your potential mentor fulfills allof these categories, then you are on your way to online success. But if not,run away as fast as you can. You willlose more than gain.
Once you find this person(s) listen andfollow their lead. And when you becomesuccessful (and you will)you can becomea mentor to your list of proteges'andhelp them succeed,too.