You do not need to be a writer in order to create your own book and sell thousands of copies on ebay, amazon or anywhere else that you may want to place it. As crazy as it may sound the above sentence is totally true. You do not need to get someone else to sit and write your book for you either. What's more there is no point in hiring a ghostwriter and feeding them with your information, along with loads of your hard earned cash in order to have your precious and enterprising thoughts put onto paper
You do not have to be a writer in order to create a book and put it up for sale on ebay,

amazon or anywhere else that you may want to sell it.
As crazy as it may sound the above sentence is totally true.
I am not talking here about getting someone else to sit and write your book for you. Nor am I advocating hiring a ghostwriter and feeding them with information, along with loads of your hard earned cash in order to have your precious and
enterprising thoughts put onto paper or the computer word processor.
Quite simply instead of this, you can search for and locate an old book in the public domain, then go out and obtain an original copy of the creation and use it as the basis for a new and even more creative work, that belongs entirely to yourself.
Old Books on which copyright have expired are ripe for turning into new books, ebooks, CD's, Audio files, etcetera, using the minimum amount of time possible.
Find a niche market that you like or have researched on, to ascertain your probable market and whether you believe that you can make some real money from it.
When you have found your market you then need to obtain an old book or reference work from the public domain to use as the basis for creating your wholly owned new product, ready to earn fantastic amounts of cash for you.
Let us say for instance that you want to produce a book on... ... "Teaching your Dog to be Obedient!"
In this example then, you could go to one of the public domain download sites such as Project Gutenberg or Google Books and do a search.
For such keywords as "Puppy Training" "How to Train Your Dog" or "Dog Obedience" or some such similar word or phrase, type into google's search bar and see what results are returned.
Try it for yourself if this is really your niche market.
I can virtually guarantee that you will be returned over 1 million pages for each of these phrases. For the word "Dog" alone there are probably about 4 million pages, so I recommend breaking this down into much smaller and more targetable
niche's. With a little practise you will quite soon find which are the best search terms to use and will be rewarded with quantities of suitable books or references from the public domain.
Now some sites will simply allow you to download their materials and use them for yourself, whilst others will charge you or say that you can only use the work from their site as a reference. If the latter is the case it really should not matter too much to you, as all you need to do is obtain for yourself an original copy of an Old Book or other work you have found.
With this original copy in your possession nobody can challenge your ultimate right to use the work however you desire and as your very own creation.
Staying with the example which I have given here; I.E. "Dog Obedience" you can then alter and use the public domain work in any legal way that you see fit. You may choose just to publish your new book exactly as it was when originally authored, or you could re publish your Old Book as a "How To Course" and turn each chapter into an individual section for your new course or part work.
Issue your part work on a weekly or monthly fee paid basis and the rewards you can obtain will be much larger than if you just reprint and publish your book as a whole work.
For example you could use the old book as a course entitled " How to Train and Raise your Dog" Split up the chapters and call them weekly lessons, for example:
A) House Training
B) Staying still when told
C) Not begging food
D) Do not bite
E) Stop barking
F) Do not jump up at people
G) Do not sniff around people... etc. (I'm sure you
get the idea here.)
Market this to a list of interested dog owners or would be dog owners (as we have already established there are millions, so remember to do your google search) and your new work, created very simply from your Old Book could be on the way to making you a small fortune.
A fantastic place to find a book in the public domain about dogs, or indeed any subject you desire would be or where you could do a search under the category of:-
"Books Comics and Magazines-Antiquarian & Collectable" plus "illustrated" if you like. Even narrow down your search to dates, such as "1850 to 1899" etc for a more interesting array of ancient books.
Incidentally I have just done such a search and returned 113 results many of which are extremely suitable for recreation as your "new" Old Book.
One of these auctions as of todays date was for "The Illustrated Book Of The Dog by Vero Shaw 1881" and is up for sale at a buy it now of £800... ...
WOW HOW MUCH? What a way to profit from Old Books.
Now I am not for one single minute suggesting that you go out and blow £800 on a book about your chosen niche, because there are many cheap bargains that are just as good to be had for just a few pounds, or even pennies in some cases.
But among the gems and very expensive items someone is making fantastic amounts of cash. I know of one serious marketer (name I'll keep secret for now, although I'm sure a bit of competition wouldn't harm them at all) who is selling this particular book as a "how to course," using each chapter as a different title and sending it out to a very interested list of clients for amazing money, which will probably bring in an income for life.
Bid for and get hold of your historic book. Convert it into your own format, which is very simple to do. Within a few short days your old dog book (or any other niche you choose) could be earning an ever increasing income for you a long way into the foreseeable future.