If you are little bit like me when I started with Internet ... you'll often find yourself ... for your special ... orfree ... and software you ... subscrib
If you are little bit like me when I started with Internet marketing,
you'll often find yourself searching for your special bookmarks or
free e-books/articles and software you downloaded.
Being subscribed to more than 20 ezines in the area of Internet
marketing, I'm living proof that pieces of information which are really
useful to you, can pile up very fast. If you don't have a system how
to organize all the resources you've read about or articles you would
like to use in the next issue of your ezine, you'll get lost.
It takes some time to prepare the points which I will mention in the
next sections of this article but it will be definitely worth it.
1.) Organize Your Harddisk And Directories
If you know how to create partitions (so you don't just have a C:
harddisk but you can also have D: , E: etc.) on your harddisk, you
should definitely do it. Create a partition called "Marketing" and
save all your relevant data into separate folders on this "Marketing"
If this is not possible, create a main directory called "MARKETING"
on your harddisk C.
The way I do it is the following : I name my directories in order of
importance e.g. 01-Ebooks, 02-My websites, 03-Marketing-Software
04-Web Design-Software etc. Then I create subdirectories within
the new folders. This means, in your "Ebooks"-folder create a
directory for 01-Copywriting , 02-Viral Marketing , 03-Writing Sales
Letters etc.
Every time I save relevant information to my harddisk, I also take
care it is saved into the right folder. Conclusionally, if I save an
e-book about Copywriting, I save it in the appropriate subfolder
which would be e.g. D: 01-Ebooks and then 01-Copywriting and
last but not least the file name "copywriting.pdf" .
2.) Organize Your Bookmarks
Perhaps you are doing this already but nevertheless, I want to tell
you how to improve the effectiveness of your bookmarks. If you
surf the web almost every day looking for useful information, you'll
find dozens of web sites to be added on a regular basis.
In this regard , with your bookmarks, you should apply the same
principle like described above with your harddisk or you'll never
be able to find important bookmarks again. I personally know
some "specialists", some friends of mine, who had been saving
all their bookmarks on the root directory of their bookmark folder.
When I asked them for a special web site, they didn't remember
where they got it....
You'll need at least one main folder "MARKETING" or you'll
mess up these bookmarks with your private bookmarks e.g. for
sports, hobbies, movies etc. etc. Within this main folder, you
should create folders for example: 01-Autoresponders, 02-E-
books, 03-Newsletter-Articles, 04-Ezine-Directories.... and the
list goes on.
3.) Make regular backups
Do you publish an ezine yourself ? If yes, then you'll know how
important it is to save your most important data in regular time
intervals. Just imagine your computer crashed and you had lost
all the names of your subscribers.....or articles you had pre-
pared .
This would be catastrophe in most cases, can you afford this ?
You would have to start from zero again. Or another vision....
You just paid a hundred bucks to get the new e-book of XYZ
and you did not save it elsewhere than on your harddisk.
A defect on your harddisk, a windows-crash or a simple virus
that infected your computer , can make this horror-vision come
true. So be prepared and save your data (login information/book-
marks, important e-mails, articles your wrote or recent news-
letters and e-books) to a portable disk or write it onto a CD-Rom.
Do this in regular time intervals (e.g. every Saturday) and you
will be on the safe side.
Find Your Niche And Dominate It!
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