How to Prepare for Metric Implementation
It is natural for employees to resist something new. Managers must take certain steps for the organization or enterprise to prepare for metric implementation.
Employees do not always welcome anything new,

especially if it means a period of adjustment. When they have gotten used to the old system, making them accept new methods is like visiting a dentist. These must be the feeling of managers with a set of new metrics they need to disseminate and explain. Immediate acceptance is not always guaranteed and a few problems in the transition can be expected. There is a good way to prepare for metric implementation and that is to involve employees in the preparation of the metrics. This gives employees a sense of importance, which makes it easier for the new metrics to be integrated into the system.
A consultation with employees about the existing measurement standards and asking them about their thoughts on it will give them a good idea that changes are in the offing. Besides, there is no richer source of good ideas about the work in the company than its own employees. This method has a couple or more benefits. First, the sense of importance that participation gives employees is a motivation to take their jobs more seriously. Second, nobody would be surprised when the time for implementation comes making the adjustment period less painful. Third, the metrics will be more applicable, enriched as it is, by insights gained from actual experiences.
Ready-made metrics for all kinds of key performance areas are available from management consulting firms. There is no harm in getting one from them. But it is advisable that it undergo a certain process before it is totally implemented. Metrics may appear to be fine on paper but they can actually hide some problems that become evident only during actual implementation.
A proposed metric procured from other sources definitely is worth discussing with employees to iron out some kinks in the set-up or further develop it into something that majority of employees would be comfortable with. It is better than having to explain to employees that ultimately, this move will be beneficial to them as well as the company. Employees ordinarily think first of the benefit they will get from a new policy or method before giving their whole-hearted support.
Another area that managers also need to consider is the existing structures of the company. If the chosen metrics require a restructuring then it must be done before the metrics is fully implemented. It entail will a lot of adjustment and lost man-hours if the structures are not ready to accommodate the new set of metrics.
Apart from the discussions with employees for the purpose of analyzing the effectively of the proposed metrics, another way of preparing the company and it employees is to conduct a trial run. Run some the activities and transactions through the metrics and see how people find it. This way, it can be fine-tuned before implementation.
Efficiency is depends greatly on the quality of metrics companies employ. Companies that have exerted efforts to prepare for metric implementation are the ones most likely to survive and succeed in today’s intensely competitive markets.