If Working At Home Was Easy, We Would All Be Doing It!

Apr 14


Jennifer Blake

Jennifer Blake

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This article challenges those who are thinking about starting a home business to really think about whether or not they have what it takes to be successful in the work at home world. It's not all bunny slippers and PJ's!


When prospecting,If Working At Home Was Easy, We Would All Be Doing It! Articles I always like to start a new conversation by asking questions to get a feel for what my prospect is really looking for.  One of my favorite questions to ask is, “Why do you want to work at home?”  A response I often hear is, “Because it’s easy.”

After cringing just a little and suppressing the urge to shout, “NO, IT’S NOT”, I quickly compose myself and calmly ask, “What do you mean by that?”

Often they reply with something like, “You can work when you want,” “You don’t have to commute,” “You can take off whenever you feel like it,” “You don’t have a boss,” or one of my personal favorites, “You can work in your pajamas.”

But, the reality is that building a business from home is NOT easy, and if you go into it thinking it will be, then you will be in for a huge surprise.  Of course there are perks that come with the comforts of being your own boss, avoiding a commute, setting your own schedule and casual dress, and I am not denying that.  In fact, when I set out in search of a home business part of me had a lot of these perks in mind and perhaps an idealized view of what it would be like working from home and being my own boss.

However, the truth is that starting my own home business is the hardest (and most rewarding) work I have ever done.  You have to work hard in order to build something substantial.  Technically, you do not have to work on those days when you don’t “feel” like it.  However, those who work especially on the days when they may not feel like it are the ones who are serious, in the game and who will be successful in time.  Keep in mind, when you work at home for yourself you only build your paycheck on the days when you are productive, so no work = no paycheck.  Treat your business like a hobby and it will pay you like one; you must treat your business like a business in order to build a career level income.   

Moreover, you have to expect challenges and obstacles along the way and be strong enough to overcome such things.  The truth is that every home worker has to deal with negative people, being told “no,” learning curves, balancing work with family/home life, disappointments, the fear of failure and perhaps even the fear of success.  You have to be determined to succeed and take the actions that are necessary to make success a reality.  Treat your goals like responsibilities, set a schedule and stick to it, and be willing to learn.  Make yourself 100% responsible for your successes and failures, as that is what being your own boss really means.  If you want a raise, work harder.  If something is not working for you, be willing to adapt and learn a new way.  When you face these challenges, be strong enough to keep moving forward and embrace what you learn from each challenge.

Anyone who really wants to can be successful working at home, but not everyone is.  The fact remains that if working at home was easy, we’d all be doing it.  Before deciding whether or not working from home is for you, you must look beyond the idealized work at home view of being your own boss and the allure of those PJ’s and bunny slippers and ask yourself, “Do I really have the discipline to work independently without a boss standing over me and the will to push past all that threatens to get in my way of success?”  Those who can honestly answer yes to this question will be unstoppable!

To Your Success,

Jennifer Blake

http://www.freefromthe925.com/ – I work at home & so can you!

http://www.covered4less.com/ – My family saves & so can yours!
