Getting Started At Home in Your Very Own Business
Internet Based Business Models – Part 3
You may not realize it, but by deciding once again to comehere and learn more, you are putting into motion themomentum that will build and build with every step you taketoward achieving your dream.
Eventually, the incredible force gathered in your‘success-momentum’ will be so great, it will be unstoppableand you will gather wealth as if it were falling from thesky.
I know that sounds flaky, and maybe even like ‘out-there’hippy BS, but trust me when I say it’s a fundamental law ofthe Universe.
In the beginning ten units of your effort may only yield oneunit of return (or even less). But eventually, when themomentum is great, only one unit of effort will produce 10units of return, then 20, then 30 and so on.
All it takes is persistence. Persist and you will becomewealthy.
OK, I’ll get of my ‘soap box’ and continue where we left offlast time.So far we’ve covered:
Next, let’s discuss:
Joint Venture Brokering – this is probably the quickest andeasiest way to generate revenue online if you know how todo it.
Basically you bring together a person with a product andanother person with a database of potential customers.
You can see it’s a very simple concept and the great thingis its win-win-win arrangement.
Person A gets to sell more of their product.Person B gets a commission on every product sold to hisdatabase of potential customers.And you get a commission for making it happen.
Developing your.own product – developing your.own product iskind of a ‘holy grail’ for many Internet business owners.They start off with by doing one of the business modelswe’ve already discussed and then graduate to developing andselling their own product.
Often, the product they create is about how to make dollarsusing the same methods they did. Sure there’s nothing wrongwith that but there are many other markets to create booksfor besides the Internet marketing and home biz crowd.
I have several of my own products that I’ve developed andsell everyday but not all of them have been successful
Until next time, remember persistence pays off – BIG TIME.Your FriendMurray Hughes007 Work From Home
Life After Gymnastics - Is There One?
Here are the men’s and women’s all-around champions from thelast five Olympic Games -- these are just briefbiographies, but they surely give you an idea of yourgymnast’s potential.Nutrition For Your Young Athlete
Nutrition is extremely important for any young person,especially an athletic one, and even more so during thedevelopmental years of their life. Whether your child isinvolved in soccer or football, gymnastics or swimming orLittle League, he or she needs a good nutritive balance inorder to be successful in any endeavor. It cannot bestressed enough that anorexia and bulimia, chronicmalnutrition, are absolutely devastating not only to anathlete’s career, but also to overall health andwell-being. You should always watch for decreased eatingin your child, no matter how robust and healthy they mayseem.Gymnastics: Injury, Prevention, Treatment – A Brief Overview
In every sport--not just gymnastics--there stands the riskof injury, no matter how adept or flexible your gymnasthappens to be. The sport requires a lot of psychologicaland physical preparation, in part because it is extremelyrigorous, and in part because it demands a higher level ofskill than most other sports. The complexity that routinesentail increases the risk of painful injury and fatigue ifproper preparations are not taken to ensure all-aroundsafety.