As it means to avoid divergence or disputes, most Jacksonville moving companies have their own policies related to collection of charges which are made available to the clients for better awareness.
When the time comes for collection of charges,
conflicts may arise between Jacksonville movers and clients. Sometimes, these disagreements are handled in a straightforward fashion, without any complications. Other times, things get problematical and become full of twists and turns. Jacksonville moving companies should explain in detail everything that may be related to collection of charges so that clients understand their rights and obligations in a clear manner.
• Jacksonville movers are entitled to collect charges for any shipment consented by the beneficiary that results in a freight balance, expense bill or credit charges.
• The freight bill is generally a detailed form in which Jacksonville moving companies present the client with every service performed, the tariff used for each service as well as the total cost.
• There are movers which use the bill of lading as a freight bill but there are also companies who have a completely separate form for this.
• Jacksonville movers may not give a detailed freight bill in case of binding estimates.
• If the freight bill does not contain all the above mentioned data, the beneficiary may refuse to receive it.
• In addition to detailed information about services performed, rates and total charges, Jacksonville moving companies must also specify the payment method accepted as well as the terms and conditions of payment.
• Beneficiaries are advised to check the type of payment the mover is accepting and the terms and conditions as well. It is not recommended to make assumptions about these particular aspects.
• Jacksonville movers may refuse delivery if the beneficiary agreed to pay on delivery and will not pay on delivery. Goods may be put in storages at the expense of the client.
• Most Jacksonville moving companies consider that a contractual moving agreement is entirely paid when the beneficiary pays the total amount due for the binding or non binding estimate (plus maximum 10% in case of non-binding), additional services and impracticable operations up to 15% of all other charges.
• Sometimes errors occur on freight bills. In such cases, the move should be informed about the errors regarding the charges as soon as possible. If the errors are noticed prior to receiving the goods, then the problems may be solved very quickly. The driver, the main office or the agent of the mover will be informed almost immediately about the error.
• When the error is only observed a bit later, after the goods were delivered, Jacksonville movers must be informed in writing about the error. The error can be fixed by a refund given that both parties agree on the matter.
• There are cases when Jacksonville moving companies operate in prepaid shipments which means that charges are paid prior to actual shipping of the goods. In such a case, a freight bill must be issued not more than 15 days after delivery.
• Just like the beneficiary may discover an error on the freight bill, the mover may do the same. Both undercharges and overcharges may be discovered and notified to the beneficiary for an additional payment or a refund.