Make Money Working from Home Online

Aug 24


Steve P Smith

Steve P Smith

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Here are a few absolutely essential tips on things you need to be thinking about before you start to make money working from home.

  1. Get your head straight! This is the single most important factor for success. If you start out with the right attitude the chances are you will not quit at the first hurdle.

You have to manage your expectations from the outset and see it as a journey and not a race. Rome was not built in a day nor was any business. Building a business is a process whether it’s a home based business or any kind of offline business. You need patience,Make Money Working from Home Online Articles persistence and determination. The old maxim is; success comes from 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. If you are looking for a ‘get rich quick’ solution I’ve got some bad news, there is no tooth fairy and Father Christmas was your dad in a Santa costume!

No matter how much time you can commit to your home based business you need to have a FULL TIME ATTITUDE if you are going to succeed. If you treat it like a hobby it will treat you like it is one, and everyone knows that hobbies usually cost money.

  1. You do need a Workspace. If you want to make money working from home it’s essential that you have a dedicated workspace. You cannot run your business from a laptop in front of the TV or at the breakfast table with the kids gnawing the enamel off the fridge. You need a space that you can call your own that is quiet and free from distraction for at least the time you have scheduled to work on your home business. You also need a desk, a comfortable chair, all the usual stationary  supplies  and of course a broadband connection. Without a decent internet connection you just will not get enough done.
  1. You must have a Schedule. To make money at home online it is even more important to be disciplined. You need to work out a schedule that keeps everyone in the house happy and be determined about sticking to it or you will find the time that you have allotted for work will get hijacked by just about anything from the ‘honey do ‘list to a neighbor dropping in for a chat. Your schedule has to recognize all your commitments and needs to be agreed upon by the whole family. You will be tested! If you are not resolved beforehand you have lost before you begin. Once you have come up with a realistic schedule and the whole family has agreed that you should not be disturbed for this time, you should post the timetable prominently on the door of your workspace as a reminder to all concerned.
  1. Know what business you are in. Be clear. You should be able to describe it in a single sentence and explain it in two. If you can not you are probably not as clear as you should be. If you have a memorable tag line it will help you keep focus and it will be worth its weight in gold in terms of promoting the business.
  1. You must thoroughly understand your product/service and preferably be an enthusiastic user of it. Your enthusiasm for your product is probably your greatest asset, it is what connects you to people and gets them to buy. If you have picked a product you are less than enthusiastic about, pick something else. If you are not convinced you probably will not be good at convincing others. You also need to be familiar with all of its benefits and features. Become an authority figure and people will already want to buy from you.
  1. Time Management. This is another crucial part of your strategy. You need to thoroughly understand what activities make you money. It’s really easy to waste your time answering emails and surfing the net. What makes you money is taking action. Those actions can be broken down daily, weekly and monthly. It’s essential to keep a diary for this, to prioritize the jobs and then a lot them time scales.
  1. You will also need protection, and I am not talking about the mafia, I’m talking about software. Your computer is your tool bag. If you don’t look after your tools you won’t do a good job. You will not be efficient, you will get frustrated and most importantly you will waste your time and you will undermine your goal tomake money working from home. There is plenty of free and paid software available online to keep your computer healthy.
  1. Outsourcing. This is all about your budget. If you have spare cash its not a bad idea to outsource some of the more labor intensive jobs like back link building. It is a judgment call as to how much, if any, of your business you want to outsource but there is little that cannot be farmed out if you have the spare cash. The more you outsource the more time you save which means of course the more time you can spend looking for new marketing opportunities and managing your business.
  1. Join a Forum. Working at home can be a lonely business.  It is always a great idea to join a forum in whatever niche you are in and a general marketing forum like the Warrior Forum, where you can find successful internet marketers sharing their experience. Having a mastermind group available helps resolve technical problems quickly and can save hours of frustrating experimentation and dead ends. You can pick up tips and ideas on how best to grow your business and find unbiased reviews on new products. It’s a must if you want to make money working from home.
  1. Accounts. Get them right from the start. You can buy software to help you manage them. It takes a little effort and time to set up but it will pay dividends down the road. Trying to play catch up with accounts with the aid of a failing memory is setting yourself up for a potentially costly nightmare. The added bonus is that the discipline of organizing your accounts helps you keep on top of your business. You know at any given time if you are making or losing money and at what rate which allows you to make the necessary decisions around adjustments, outsourcing or advertising.