Jobsathome - Do Data Entry Jobs Pay good?
Jobsathome - Do Data Entry Jobs Pay good? One of the easiest ways to make money online is to do data entry jobs. Yes, that is true; we can make good money via data entry work but there are few things that you should know. First of all; where on the internet can we find these jobs?
One of the easiest ways to make money online is to do data entry jobs. Yes,
that is true; we can make good money via data entry work but there are few things that you should know. First of all; where on the internet can we find these jobs?
I suggest you only work at freelance sites. There you will not have to worry about any kind of scams. Many freelancing sites are 100% free to join where some sites demand a membership fee before you can do any data entry work. I suggest you only work at free to join freelance sites as there you will never worry about any scams.
There are many other sites where people offer to give you data entry jobs and guarantee that you will make some good money like $250 per day. And before you can earn that much money; you will first have to pay a small fee. All such sites are nothing but a big scam.
At freelancing sites you will find hundreds of data entry jobs every day. You will get all the work you need at these sties. Now the second question is that how much you can make via these jobs? If you think that you can become rich via just doing simple typing jobs then I guess you are wrong.
The pay for data entry jobs is lowest compared to what you can earn from other online jobs like copywriting. Data entry work needs a lot of time to complete and most of the time; you can only make $1 to $3 dollars per hour. Yeah, the pay is low but don't worry as there is good news too.
The pay for data entry jobs is the lowest, that is true but you can do few things to earn more from these jobs. First of all, you need to build some good reputation at freelance site. In the start you will have zero rating; at this time, do work for low rates. After every completed job, you will get a rating and a feedback. Get lots of excellent feedbacks to build a good reputation.
Once you earn some excellent feedbacks, you can then place bid on projects for higher rates. Second thing to do; I suggest you spend some time at freelance sites and keep refreshing the main page of freelance site. You will do this to look for the newly open projects. Some times, a project is opened and awarded within 5 minutes. Many new buyers pay extremely good for simple jobs.
For example; I once got a data entry project. I was the first and the only person to place bid on that project. The buyer awarded me that project as soon as I placed the bid. The project was so simple; which made me believe that I was missing some thing. Anyway, I completed that project; it took me 18 minutes to complete the whole project. After I delivered the work, buyer paid me $110 (which was my bid) at once.
As you can see that some times you can hit the jackpot. For just copying few things from the internet and then delivering work in a specific format, I earned $110 in 18 minutes. So you can make good money via doing data entry jobs too.