Make Money Using Your Computer -Forums Are A Free Traffic Route That Will Work Online And Make Money
Make Money Using Your Computer – Low traffic flow to a website can be the downfall of many an online business. Using forums can be a great free traffic generating method to drive prospects to your site.
You can produce the best website,

have the best product and put your heart into what you are producing. However if no one visits to see what you have to offer than you can start to feel disheartened. You may find that this is the reason you are struggling to make money using your computer. You are not alone; I suffered to this same affect. I felt that maybe I would not be able to work online and make money. A turning point for me came when I managed to really focus on forums as a great traffic-generating route. Forum Marketing: This is a great place to find potential prospects. With the growth of the Internet almost all topics and hobbies have online forums. Research the forums in your niche. Find good active forums with a large number of members and sign up. Look for forums with:• At least five hundred members & over five thousand posts• At least ten new posts a day. I found the key to forum marketing is to add constructive and quality content to the forum. To make money using your computer you need to look at this as a long-term game plan. Do not directly advertise your product this will get you suspended from the forum and other members will quickly start to notice. Look at:• The forum guidelines, this will give you all the rules and do’s and don’ts. • Some forums will allow clickable links; some will allow you to advertise in your signature box. To work online and make money can be great and forum marketing is a good addition to your traffic generation arsenal. An enjoyable part of joining forums is you can create your own profile. Here you can submit basic details about yourself. Your posts are usually marked by your user name and avatar. Your avatar is a small picture you upload.Remember this is what people will associate you with and it is amazing how other forum users create a mental image of you from your profile. When choosing a username and avatar;• Pick a username that is easy to remember and catchy. If your website is linked to your own name then use that. • Don’t pick names with numbers in like john5684965 or misspelled words.• Pick an avatar that is clear and possibility a bit humorous. Before you post spend a little time just reading the posts and watching the forum to get a feel for how things work. Some forums are deadly serious; others are a little easier going. When you’re ready your first post should be to introduce yourself and you should cover.• Who you are and where you are from.• Your experiences.• Some nice feedback about the forum.From here on in the more you are posting quality content the more you are building credibility. The higher the number of posts you make, the more you will get known on the forum. Some forums rank user seniority by the number of posts the user has made. When posting remember:• Do not directly sell your product.• Post constructive, quality content.• Be yourself.• Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to stir the pot a little with your posts. After all, the more people that are reading and are active in a topic the more people will see your signature box. This should help drive traffic and assist you to work online and make money. If you want to make money using your computer a forum is a great place for you to find out more information about your topic and niche. You can find out what the real topics of concern are and you could use this information to target your website. A forum can act as your own market research group.