My Favorite Way To Make Money Online With No Money or Special Skills Required
Looking for the best way to make money online? There are many ways to be successful online, but my favorite way does not require a lot of money or special skills. Read this and you could be on the road to online income in minutes.
My dream was to be able to work at home and commute less and I knew the internet was the key for me to do that. So I set out to find a way to make money online with my computer.It turns out there are lots of ways to make money online but not all of them will work for someone who
does not want to spend a lot of money and does not have a lot of specialized skills.For instance,

you could build a website around a popular health topic, hobby or travel. You could spend many months and many thousands of dollars getting good content and graphics, then promote your site with Web 2.0 social networking and expensive pay per click advertising.
And your site could still flop.That is just one example. Some people make a lot of money on eBay, but with recent changes in the market and eBay's policies and pricing, eBay is not what it used to be.So my favorite way to make money online is a very simple process that does not cost any money (other than maybe for an easy to use video training package) and it takes no special skills other than being able to type. And you can leverage it out down the road to make a very substantial full time income working online.What I am talking about is article marketing. Article marketing is a simple yet very effective way of driving internet traffic to a sales page, whether yours or someone else's and picking up a commission when they buy.You have several choices in creating the articles:1. You can type them yourself in any word processor or right online.2. You can hire someone else to create them for you very reasonably.3. You can talk in to a headset and have some speech to text software do the typing for you.Once the articles are created you submit them to a variety of online article directories. From there you can promote the articles with any social bookmarking service you might use to direct friends, acquaintances or the searching public to find your articles.The key with article marketing is learning some basic research on how to know if a particular product or service is profitable to promote. That information is taught very clearly in many article marketing training programs.What I really like about this way to make money online is that the work you do today will be out on the internet forever, and a sale that puts a commission in your pocket can keep happening as long as that article is out there.
This is referred to as residual income. When you have enough articles out there, preferably promoting different products and services, you can actually generate a consistent, sustainable, online income.The income you make online is usually a direct result of how much effort you put in. Put in a little effort and make some extra money. As the money grows and you increase the effort you put toward it, you can get to where you can make a full time living working online from home.
Get the exact steps you need to get started and be successful with this simple and effective way to make money online.Come to our website for some videos and more information. You can get started right now making real money online. The address is