On Dark DaysBy Jenean ... days we are excited by the prospect of ... on the ... We ... log on everyday and look to see if we have sales, fulfill those sales and spend some
On Dark Days
By Jenean Matthews
Most days we are excited by the prospect of
prospering on the internet. We faithfully log on
everyday and look to see if we have sales, fulfill
those sales and spend some time promoting the
business. Some days are better than others and
some days are the absolute worst we believe we
have ever experienced. If the worst days are
limited to one every now and then we get past it
and move on. But every once in a while we may
go through a series of days that seem so dark that
we may begin to lose hope that things will ever change.
What do we do on dark days?
First and foremost, we must not lose site of the totality
of our lives. As dedicated as we are to our business
venture, it shouldn't take up all of our time. This
creates an imbalance. And when that thing that's
too consuming begins to falter we may head into
despair. We need balance.
On dark days it may be necessary to pull away
from the computer and do something else for a
change. What about calling or visiting your family
and friends who may have thought you have dropped
off the face of the earth. See how they are doing.
Talk about everything but the business. Enjoy yourself!
On dark days take a walk in the park. Watch little
children play. I truly believe they hold the keys to
true happiness in this world. We should be more like
them. If the sun is shining they bask in it. If it's raining
outside they splash in the puddles. If it's snowing they
build snowmen and make angels. Whatever life brings
them they find joy in it. If life brings you dark days,
find a way to experience joy in the midst of it.
On dark days visit a mentor or if you don't have one
establish a relationship with one. I guarantee you a
seasoned businessperson has gone through many dark
days. Share your thoughts, feelings and concerns with
them. Listen to what they have to say. Gain wisdom
and understanding from their experience.
The next time you sit at your computer, analyze your
goals. Review your purpose. Reflect back on your
accomplishments. Applaud yourself. Put a smile on
your face and get going again. Dark days are never
permanent situations. The sun always shines again.
On Dark Days © 2000
Jenean Matthews is a businesswoman who believes
in encouraging and helping others to accomplish their
dreams. She believes people can overcome obstacles, rise
to any occasion, and accomplish their entire dream with enough
faith. She can be found accomplishing her dream at
http://www.1stshoppingavenue.com or subscribe to the newsletter
for chances to win free gifts salespaper-subscribe@topica.com
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