This has happened to ... ... too much ... brain ... All sound ... mean, they don’t call it the ... ... for nothing. This ... is
This has happened to everyone.
Meltdown, overload, too much information, brain malfunction. All sound familiar?
I mean, they don’t call it the information superhighway for nothing. This millionaire is an expert at creating his own products, this millionaire is an expert at creating sites that sell, this millionaire is an expert at getting free traffic to his site, this millionaire is an expert at getting high search engine rankings, blah, blah blah.
You get the idea, I’m sure.
I am sure you have heard the saying “Too many cooks spoil the broth”. Well, I’ve expanded that a little. “Too many net gurus cause brain freeze”.
Think about it. If you have been marketing online or researching how to market online for months or even years you have, no doubt, learnt a hell of a lot of valuable information. But once you have that knowledge what do you do with it?
I don’t know about you but there have been times when I’ve felt so overloaded with all the information running around my head that I’ve not been able to even switch my pc on for days!
I read so much about what this expert had to say and what that expert had to say that I just didn’t know who to follow anymore. I became so overloaded and overwhelmed that my brain just froze. I didn’t know what to do and who to follow so I did what comes naturally…absolutely nothing!
I remember actually holding my head in my hands feeling totally lost and stressed out to the max because I so wanted to succeed but there was just so much information to take in that I hadn’t learnt yet how to cope. I don’t know if you have ever felt like that but it was a pretty exhausting and eye-opening process for me.
As I sat in front of my pc and opened my email address that receives all the ezines that I subscribe to I thought: There must be an easier way. Why does this seem so hard?
And then it was like a little light bulb going off in my head. I was making this way too hard on myself, putting myself under way too much presssure, and it was all absolutely unnecessary. As it usually is, the answer was right in front of my face :O).
Why did I have an ezine inbox with over 400 ezines it in a matter of days? What for? So I can sit here over two hours and go through them all, day after day?
Is my time not more valuable than that? Did I not have more important things to do?
Of course I do. I’d spent so much time working harder and not smarter. Thank goodness I finally figured it out.
I went through the 400+ ezines in my email directory and was ruthless :O). I kept my subscription to emails I new were good results pullers and high content publications, unsubscribed to the ones that were just filled with ads, and kept my subscriptions to newsletters and ezines that I gravitated to because I liked their style, their input or their quirkiness.
Then I sat down and actually wrote down the handful of ezines that I will read every week because I enjoy them so much, and others that I will read when I get round-to-it when time is not of the essence.
I have two female role models who are ezine publishers and generally I watch what they do, I listen to what they say and I learn from them. My time is now too valuable to focus on other people.
I then decided to do the same thing with the incredible amount of information I’d accrued written by successful and extremely wealthy Internet marketers and actually analysed those that I personally feel the greatest rapport with (even just on paper). They’re interested in the same products that I am interested in, they promote the same products I do (sometimes in direct competition), they create the same multi-streams of income that I want to create, they provide excellent customer service that I aspire to, and are well-respected by their peers.
Two men instantly came to mind and I am affiliates of both of their programs. I will keep in constant contact with them, continually researching what they do, what they are changing, what is working for them, and I will follow their lead. Why? Because if I spend time listening to absolutely every single successful person online I would never have ay time left to devote to my own business, knowledgeable though I would be ;O).
While I will never stop researching what other people are doing online I will target my focus on two men who I have had continual contact with and support from and who I naturally gravitate towards.
Delve into your own business and you may have one guru that meets all your needs in this regard or a few. The next time you start to feel overwhelmed by all the incredibly powerful information available online why not be a little ruthless with your brain and your time…and do a brain clean! Kind of like going through your pc and deleting all those files and folders that are no longer relevant and just taking up too much room on your hard drive. Sometimes it’s not just your pc that needs to be reformatted.
Think outside the square and find that one guru who for you rules them all and you and your business will immediately start to benefit from the whole cleansing process.
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