Online Home Based Business - Marketing Tips
Regardless of what you sell online, your website need to have a convincing salescopy. Even if your product is the best of it's kind, a weak salescopy will not be able to convert the visitor to a buyer. So, how should you write a salescopy to turn the heat on?
When it comes to your online business,

your salescopy is your one and only chance to communicate directly with your potential customers and tell them why they should buy from you over someone else. Your salescopy should make the visitors feel that this is exactly what they are looking for. It should be like a good salesman - taking attention of your customer, expalining the benifits of the product and finally building trust to convert the visitor to a buyer.There are few important points, if taken care of in your salescopy, can increase the conversion rate drastically.1) TARGET YOUR POTENTIAL BUYER You first need to know the kind of buyer of your product. You must know exactly who your niche market is and then target your salescopy to precisely what they're looking for if you want them to stay on your site long enough to buy something. Whoever they are, you need to write in a voice that appeals to them. Teenagers, man, woman - everyone gets convinced in different ways. Write your salescopy accordingly.2) ATTENTION-GRABING HEADLINEThis what will bring a potential buyer to your site. It should be straight to the point and promise an answer to what the visitor is looking for. If you keep your headline highly relevant, simple, and specific, chances are good that your reader will continue on to read more of what you have to say.3) ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIBILITYYou have to prove very early on that what you're about to tell them can be trusted or else they are just a click away from hundreds of other websites offering same products or services. How can you do that?a) Give your credentials - Detailing your credentials helps to establish you as an authority on your subject in the eyes of your reader, and will put you one step closer to making the sale. b) Use testimonials - The key is to make sure your testimonials are specific, describing the exact results your customer gained by using your product or service. c) Add gurantee - A strong guarantee showing you stand behind what you're selling helps alleviate their concerns and reduce the risk of buying from you. 4) TALK ABOUT BENEFITS, NOT JUST FEATURESYour potential customers want to know how your product or service will make their lives easier. So, focus on benefits not just features. If possible give away some free gifts as an additional benefits.5) REASONS TO BUY RIGHT NOWDon't let loose the momemtum you have created. The visitor might think to surf around for a while before comming back and close the deal. In most of the cases, they never come back. You need to add urgency for immediate sale. Offering a limited quantity of products or offering them only for a limited time can give them the nudge they need to pull out their credit cards. Coupons or discounts that expire also motivate potential customers. Another option is to offer a special bonus item for a limited time. With these copywriting techniques and a little practice, you could be turning a whole lot more of your website visitors into paying customers.