Pull Traffic with fast ads
Cookie Filled Red Suede Gift Box & Fluffy Bear Sethttp://tinyurl.com/SendGifts
Fast ads are quick one or two line ads that grap propective customers attention. These are ads that are quick and to the point. Using fast ads has increased my traffic by 25%. I have inclued some samples of fast ads in this article.Samples of fast adsSave time and money place your order today for
Valentines day Chocolates we'll even deliver them for youWe've arranged for you to get up to 45% off your next order but time is running out order yours todayIf your cable bill is $100 a month you'd save over$1,100 a year
by switching toAll the symbols of love in beautiful copper and gold packaging.Creek House 24 Pc
Valentine Truffle CollectionOne Dozen Assorted Roses + 12 FREE w/ FREE Glass Vase and Chocolates The Perfect Valentines Day GiftAs you can see the above ads are quick and to the point as well as having the ability to grap prospective customers attention. You always want to add a link back to your site in your ads. You want to use what I call fast ads on sites that limited the number of characters you can use for your ads,

Sites like twitter http://twitter.com/RiasingSun that only allows 140 characters for your ad. Or myspace http://www.myspace.com that only allows you 160 characters for your ad.I've been using my system of fast ads for about a year with some positive results. Try writing some fast ads for your business and post them on twitter and watch your site traffic icrease.