In a quick hurry to get some cash for ... my simple plan that can put cash in yourhand in under a week without spending a ... sign up for a free ... A ... usi
In a quick hurry to get some cash for the
Here’s my simple plan that can put cash in your
hand in under a week without spending a dime!
First, sign up for a free autoresponder. A quick
search using a good engine will bring back more
than a few options.
Second, create a free report to give out to anyone
that asks. This can be an article of yours or
simply some information that gives the reader
something of value. Just make sure you have a hot
title for it that’s going to drive people wild.
Third, create a series of follow up
autoresponders. I would create at least seven, but
more will yield better results.
Each message needs to have a grabber of a title so
that the majority of those signing up will open
it. One way to easily create messages that get
opened is to stretch your free reports or articles
over seven days. That way for someone to get the
full benefit they have to open each message.
Fourth, place affiliate links in your messages
that lead to products and services that directly
compliment what you’re teaching the customer in
your free reports. If you’re offering to show them
how to get traffic to their site, then you can add
affiliate links for books, reports, and services
that help them learn more and get better search
engine position.
Each time one of your links is clicked and a
purchase is made you’re pocketing a percentage of
the profits. And you can find a bucket full of
affiliate programs by checking out Best of all, you can
sign up for free.
And finally, your fifth step to making it all come
together is getting the word out.
Since we’re not spending any money to make money,
you’ll want to use an option that brings you free
traffic. And the best way to do that is write an
Write one that is centered on the subject of your
free offer and autoresponder messages. Then, in
the bottom of your resource box you’ll place a
grab them headline and your autoresponder’s e-mail
address. Check my resource box out at the end of
this article for suggestions.
Next you simply submit your article to some of the
article announcement lists out there, which can be
found by using a good search engine, then sit back
and watch as money starts to flood your account.
This is the least expensive method I’ve come
across to quickly put money in your hand. Use it
right, and you’ll reap the rewards of a simple,
free, fully automatic business.
20-Point Checklist EVERY Sales Letter Must Pass!
Sales letter not pulling like you want? Need a quick "fill in the blanks" formula for ... your next product? Here are 20 ... ... of the ... sales letter: 1) Does your headlHow To Write A High-Profit Autoresponder Series!
It's the truth!A strong ... series can ... double the ... rate of your existing sales ... kidding! I've created ... for sales letters that have ... pushed5 Deadly Effective Sales Letter Profit Boosters You Can Use Now!
1) ASK ... YOUR TARGET PROSPECT CAN ANSWER "YES" TO Asking ... in your sales letter is a powerful way to truly engage your readers. It creates a need for ... and ... the buyers