Treat your business like a business and it will reward you like a business. Treat it like hobby and it will cost you like a hobby. If fear and lack of confidence are getting in your way, it’s time to break through the comfort barrier.
Today I spent some time on the phone with a wonderful reader of The HBB Confidential.
She shared some challenges that unfortunately are very common in the home business world.
I gave her some quick tips to start turning things around and would like to share them with you too because you may also be experiencing these challenges in one form or another.
As soon as you enter the entrepreneurial world, you must accept that you will be uncomfortable at times. If you are operating from a space of comfort, you are probably not progressing at the rate you would like to be.
Like my reader, you may have chosen home business because you like to be at home — you’re a natural homebody and would rather not venture out into the crazy rat race.
It might be the main reason you decided to start a home business!
You may also have chosen to run your business completely online because you are shy, hate being in crowded places, making small talk or standing out in any way.
You may be a gifted writer or comfortable with intimate one-on-one conversation, but in a group environment feel like a fish out of water.
The most important words of advice I can give you are, ‘Feel the fear and do it anyway.* Get out of your house, pick up the phone and let the world know who you are.’
Business is built on relationships and although you may be a whiz with your computer, your telephone and face-to-face communication will reap BIG rewards in the growth of your business.
You may be the queen of SEO or the king of driving web traffic, but hiding behind your computer is not going to give you the results you are capable of creating.
Telephone and in person communications have a HUGE impact on business growth.
Need proof? Look at the top Internet marketers. They meet regularly, attend workshops together, conduct teleclasses so their readers can connect with them directly.
Many JV relationships have only been formed after person-to-person contact has been made. Ten email may not create a connection for you, but one in person contact will.
This week I brought two new entrepreneurs to a local business networking group. One gal was outgoing, comfortable with strangers and by the end of the meeting had collected a handful of business cards.
The second gal, much quieter and quite shy, was a tad nervous when introducing herself to the group, but understands that by committing to the process and practicing every week, she will develop the skill of confident communication.
She understands that her business is unique to our community and will be highly sought after and the only thing that will hold her back from huge success is her fear of putting herself in front of people.
If you prefer email to making a phone call, you are missing out on huge opportunities. Commit to making several calls a week and if the fear is too big, get help.
The only reason you lack confidence in any area is lack of experience. Create the experience and your fear disappears.
Find a coach, mentor or trusted advisor and start doing what makes you uncomfortable.
If you are not recognized as a member of your local business community, get involved in at least two groups pronto. Commit to attending at least two functions a month and build from there.
Relying on the Internet will stunt your business’ growth because nothing will ever replace the power of personal relationships.
*Susan Jeffers, Ph. D.
2007 © Laurie Hayes - The HBB Source
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