As a work at home parent, you theoretically have the best of both worlds. You have the ability to earn an income without the hassle of a commute. You also have the luxury of being home to raise your children. Some days, however, that luxury begins to lose its charm, as you attempt to juggle the demands of parenting and work at the same time. If you have children that are toddler aged, this process becomes even more difficult. This article will discuss a few tips for working from home with a toddler underfoot
1. Let Them Play "Work"
Set your toddler up with art supplies, a child sized desk and chair, and if possible a toy laptop. Allow them to "work" right beside you, complementing their art work and enthusiasm. Encourage them to be present in the office alongside you, but engaged in their own activities.
2. Take Toddler Breaks
If you're used to being able to work for long periods of time, uninterrupted, you should probably consider this a thing of the past. With a toddler thrown into the mix, it's better to learn to utilize the short bursts of uninterrupted time that you DO have, instead of longing for what you used to have. Work and play in short bursts, and you'll end up being more productive.
3. Work on Paper if Necessary
Although it is obviously preferable to accomplish your computer work at the computer, on really rough days it may be necessary to work longhand while watching your children play. Doing so allows you the flexibility to work where the toys are – outside if necessary. A laptop with wireless internet is another great option, but may not be in the budget for all work at home parents.
4. Enlist help when necessary
Working at home doesn't mean you have to be available 24-7. If you have a deadline to meet, or a steadily piling backlog, it may be necessary to call in the troops. Ask your partner or a close friend if they can take the children for the day, or hire a local teenager to act as a mothers helper. For a few dollars an hour, you may be able to get more work completed than you'd ever thought possible.
5. Invest in the Proper Tools
Running a home business with children around and maintaining a professional image don't have to be mutually exclusive events. Invest in a quality phone, with voice mail and a mute button. This will come in extremely handy the next time a temper tantrum erupts in the middle of an important client call. If you work at home on the computer, consider purchasing a software program that locks out the drive buttons, power button, and keyboard to prevent little hands from erasing your hard work.
Running a home based business while raising children may seem like a daunting prospect. Keep in mind that some days will be easier than others. On the good days, be as productive as possible, and on the bad days, hang on for the ride. Soon your children will be grown, and you'll have raised both them and a successful home business simultaneously.
Take Your Deductions For Your Home Business
You are running a home based business and tax time is coming up. Are you aware that you may be entitled to tax deductions in your home? There are many expenses that are related to running a home business from your office space to the cost of child care. You may have a room that you keep samples or inventory in for resale.You Can Run An Online Business
Did you know that it is easy to become better than 95% of those involved in any type of business venture? Well, this is true according to Norman Vincent Peale. This is true for you as well in your online businessEnticing Advantages to Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing goes with the concept of revenue sharing and has been around for a very long time. This is not new just since the Internet has been around. The idea has taken off though to some new levels, becoming a major force in bringing in business for any and all types of e-commerce.