Finding freelance proofreading jobs takes a little know-how and legwork. If you have an eye for detail, a great working vocabulary, and some thick skin, freelance proofreading jobs may be just the right thing for you. Knowing what skills you need along with where to find work can get you started on a fun and interesting work at home career.
If you read the paper on a regular basis and cringe when you read all the mistakes, then you may want to look into freelance proofreading jobs. To be a proofreader you will need to have a strong eye for detail. After all, you will be reading over material, often completely boring material, and looking for the most minute errors. Also, in order to qualify for freelance proofreading jobs, you will need to learn the lingo and symbols associated with proofreading. There are a number of books and manuals available to teach you the language involved in freelance proofreading jobs.
Once you know what you are doing, then you need to gain experience. It does not work to just tell people you are looking for freelance proofreading jobs. You need to tell them you have experience and show them that you have the know-how. You can try various employment agencies or even volunteer to proofread for local charities to gain some experience. You can get these volunteer freelance proofreading jobs to even offer you an acknowledgement on their print media or website.
Another way to get freelance proofreading jobs is to advertise. You can get business cards, mailers, and flyers with a small investment. Then go through your local directory and start sending out your information to industry professionals that may be interested in offering your freelance proofreading jobs. You can look at publishers, graphic designers, schools, and more. Put your flyers up on any bulletin board. You can even offer student rates at your local university, where freelance proofreading jobs come in from students working on theses and dissertations.
Finally, you should get a website. Freelance proofreading jobs come in from a variety of areas, but many people use the internet to look for potential proofreaders. You can get your own domain name for just a few dollars a month. Many hosing companies have templates you can use to design your website, giving it the professional flair that people are looking for when they are considering you for freelance proofreading jobs.
Read the rest of the article here: Freelance Proofreading Jobs.
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