Anne Bourne is the owner of StagingWorks, a Toronto home staging company. Visit our blog for articles, practical information and home staging tips.
Doing business irrespective of the commodity that you are selling is definitely hard enough. From packaging to marketing to closing the deal, enormous effort is expended. It does not help matters when you are selling your home more so due to the high amounts of money involved. It is important to acknowledge that there are things that one can do in order to ensure a faster sale of your home.
To begin with, it is important that you have the house priced right. When selling your home it is important that you evaluate its worth cut a small percentage off its price. Of course not many sellers would be comfortable with this strategy but that makes the difference between successful sellers and others. You will definitely receive multiple bids some beyond its worth.
When selling your home, it is always important that you optimize the light of the home. As much as buyers would consider location their first priority, they also rate the light in the home highly. In this case, you could increase the light by cleaning the windows, trimming the bushed in order to allow sunshine, change your lampshade and increase the light bulb’s wattage. Making the house cheery and brighter would enhance its chances of being sold.
As any buyer will tell you, the kitchen is one of the most (if not the most) important parts of the home. In this case, be sure to remodel it by installing new hardware and doing some painting. Of course this will eat into your pocket but it comes as a worthy investment. When painting the kitchen, use neutral color paints to give buyers the freedom to envision the styles to incorporate once they buy the home.
In addition, it is important that you ensure that the home is show-ready at any given time. Having in mind that you can never tell when a potential buyer will be coming to view the home, ensure that you are available anytime they want see the house. Ensure that it is also in the right shape by ensuring that no dishes are left in the sink, having the bathrooms clean and cleaning out the dishwasher.
When selling your home, be sure to depersonalize it by eliminating some of the personal stuff. This allows the potential buyers to envision themselves living in it. Items such as personal keepsakes, family photos and memorabilia collections should be put in storage. It is actually advisable that you hire home staging services as these would optimize the potential of the home by arranging the furniture in such a way that showcases the house in the best way.
Things to Avoid When Selling Your Home over the Holidays
Anne Bourne is the owner of StagingWorks, a Toronto condo and home staging services company. Visit our home staging blog for articles, practical information and home staging tips.Preparing Your Condo for Sale
Anne Bourne is the owner of StagingWorks, a Toronto condo staging and home staging services company. Visit our home staging blog for articles, practical information and home staging tips.Ensuring a Successful Toronto Condo Sale
Anne Bourne is the owner of StagingWorks, a Toronto condo staging and home staging services company. Visit our home staging blog for articles, practical information and home staging tips.