There are certain things to keep in mind when writing for the Internet. Doing them or not doing them can make the difference between being successful or just wasting your time. Lets go over a few of them.
1. Don’t Over Write
When you are writing for the Internet, writing too much is not good. In this case, less is more. It is a known fact that it is more difficult to read off of a computer monitor than reading from a written copy. It just is more difficult on the eyes and easier to get a case of eye strain. Try to cover your thoughts thoroughly and concisely as possible, avoid writing anything that is not necessary. Don’t use more than 5-6 sentences in any paragraph. Keep them as concise and brief as possible .If you are writing about a comprehensive subject that cannot be covered thoroughly in a short article, make two articles out of it by calling them Part 1 and Part 2.
2. Keep Your Thoughts Focused
Concentrate on the main idea you want to get across for every paragraph. Make sure you go over everything you write to make sure you have stayed on your subject at hand. If you feel you have gone off track, get rid of the bad content and rewrite again focusing on your train of thought. The subject matter you are writing about should closely match up with the title of the article, or the heading. Your introduction should inform the viewer of the entire purpose of the article. Deliver what you promise in the title and introduction.
3. Always Come Across As Being Yourself
Be engaging in conversation, but write like you are in control at all times. Writing in a formal manner is not for the Internet. Writing in a casual, relaxed way is the right way. The exception to this is writing to highly trained professionals, or technical people about highly professional, or technical subject matter. Otherwise, don’t be afraid to write in terms of first person and give your view of things. You can build a bond with your audience by sharing your experiences with them and showing your true personality. Don’t be afraid to show that you are human just like them and share the same feelings and emotions, wants, and desires. They will think more highly of you, and you will gain their trust that way.
4. Don’t Try Too Hard By Coming Across Too Strong
We have all seen it online. We see hyped up sites with outrageous claims, excessive exclamation points, over usage of fonts, different size fonts, etc. This is not the way to go. This only aggravates and irritates the reader, turns them off, and makes then want to run away from your site. You need to stress the positive points, avoid outrageous claims and don’t make promises that you can’t and won’t keep or honor. Forget about hard selling. Make your products do the selling. Stress benefits, features, and give them honest comparisons between your products and others to get their respect and their business.
5.Write For The World To See
You need to think in terms of the world seeing your website. This is the World Wide Web, you need to remember that. That is what the www stands for. Because of this, people from various backgrounds, cultures, values, etc will be looking at your site. You couldn’t get a broader audience if you tried! Be careful not to offend anyone with borderline photos and language that some may be inappropriate to foreigners. What may be ok for the American or British audience may not be for those in the orient or Arab countries. A lot of countries are a lot more conservative than the United States or Great Britain. You can have humor on your sites, but keep it in good taste, and don’t offend any one by coming across as being racist or sexist.
6.Go Over Your Work
You will find that little mistakes that you don’t think much about can stand out in the minds of some people. Also, keep in mind that one big mistake can undermine the professionalism you are trying to convey in your work. Make sure to reread everything you write, use spell checkers if you are a poor speller, and even have someone like a family member or good friend read it for you to get their opinion. Avoid grammatical mistakes, duplicating too many words, and missing punctuation.
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