The two biggest mistakes men make when meeting women online.
Most women receive DOZENS of messages a day, very attractive ones even a HUNDRED or more messages PER DAY in their profile inbox. If you would know ANY woman with a profile and asked her about her inbox, you would already know that 99% of those enormous amounts of messages are all about things like the shallow: you're hot, the needy and desperate you're gorgeous, so add me on There's the overly nice one: I don't know if you think I'm your type, but I would like to do blabla for you or take you to blabla.
That's the message your lame competition will think they stand out with. But they FORGET something, something REALLY important if they want to stand out and have the chance to meet and date a beautiful woman. And this one thing can give you a tremendous, unfair advantage over the vast majority of men out there, because what do you see first, BEFORE you open up a new message? Think about it. Don't worry, I'll wait.
It's the SUBJECT of the message!
Here's the story: in marketing, they've done hours and hours of research on the effect of the headline of an advertisement versus the effect of the advertisement content. What do you think was the result? Compelling headlines, so subjects, INCREASED response with 10 to 20%.
Doesn't sound like a big deal, huh? So here are some definitive numbers for you: say you send out 20 messages to women in a random week (that's around 3 a day) and you received 2 replies with a crappy subject before, guess how much you'll receive now that you have a good subject? 2 to 4 messages more then before, which is DOUBLING your results!
The question then, of course, becomes: but how DO you make such a compelling subject?
Sucker Subjects, Those That Will Definitely NOT Help You Achieve Success Online
Next to the content of 99% of the messages being almost EXACTLY the same, guess what happens with the subjects of those messages?
One of three very unique ones (NOT) are used: no subject (never took the time), the greetings subject (hi, hello, hi there, etc.) and the cheezy subject. What's a cheezy subject? A shallow compliment based on her looks (you're beautiful), a joke (see below), an overly used quote from a movie or song (I'll be back or whatever) and pick up lines (heaven must be missing an angel and so on).
Here are some examples I took off a random female profile:
- Subject: you are the perfect example of beauty
- Subject: Hello, Isabella
- Subject: hi
- Subject: HI HOW ARE YOU
- Subject: 3 ducks walked into a bar
- Subject: Shame on you (Your a theif, you stole some stars from the night and made them your eyes)
And blablabla, THAT is what a woman will literally think. Just imagine receiving 50 messages per day with 20 times being hello, 20 having no subject and 10 being cheezy and that every day, 365 days a year. How long would it take for you to NOT open the messages with those subjects anymore? My guess: you would stop within the first week = around 140 times hello, 140 times no subject and 70 times cheezy!
Here's a hidden gem for you: actually TRY it by searching on Google for photos of some random, cute woman and setting up a fake female profile with those photos on any given social networking site such as Facebook, MySpace, whatever. Take a look at her inbox once a week and read the first 20 messages (and their subjects) everytime you do, and you'll KNOW what should be the difference between your crappy competition and YOU by knowing what doesn't work. To know, is to slaughter the competition.
Lesson #1: Don't do no subject, a simple greeting or a cheezy subject
You'll get SKIPPED when she's going through her inbox, it's a sign of you NOT reading her profile and if you're cheezy by being interested in her looks only and not who she is, you will turn her off BIG TIME.
Lesson #2: The Language Barrier
You may think you'll get her attention by turning on your Caps Lock and WRITING EVERYTHING IN BIG LETTERS, but to her? She'll think: you're needy for a conversation with a woman, that you're an attention whore AND she'll be annoyed because she has to read entire subjects or messages that use Caps Lock.
It get's worse: you may think talking slang like 2night, l8, well hello thur, how r u and so on are cool, but the only women you'll attract with those are women with dyslexia or women who think they need to be ghetto to earn a living or live their lives.
Next to this, Women who aren't hip to the whole Instant Messenger hype where late becomes l8 and today becomes 2day, and there are lots of attractive ones in this category, will have a hard time reading your stuff.
Whatever's the case, you're narrowing down the odds of attracting a cute little lady IMMENSELY, as it has been proven that spelling mistakes guys make annoy women.
If he can't even spell right, and that during the first time he's trying to contact me, WHAT ELSE will he do wrong or go wrong with him, my god! Need I say more? That isn't something you want them to think.
So check spelling, make sure the caps lock is off and one more thing: punctuation like three times the ? or ! will make you come across like you're getting overly excited OR are needy for attention in much the same way the Caps Lock it.
Using Her Own Life Against Her For Teasing And Sexual Tension
Why? All the other men are BORING her to death with how predictable, desperate and cheezy their messages are, while she craves excitement and wants to meet someone who can GIVE her that excitement.
By teasing her, you grab her attention only to never let it go again (because it's a message FOR her, ABOUT her, and not a you're pretty that you can copy paste for every friggin' women online). Grabbing her attention means that she will OPEN your message, which makes the probability that you will get a reply larger than ever. You'll also let her know that you're not intimidated by her looks (like the needy and desperate guys). Thirdly, teasing a woman playfully will make her laugh and giggle (because everybody likes a challenge, a sense of humor, and sexual tension).
Finally, you're letting her know that you actually took the time to READ her profile, because anyone can send her a cheezy or shallow message after seeing her photo for 2 seconds, but that's not showing interest. Talking to her about her personality (who she is, does, and what she likes) requires you to be personal with her, and to read her profile. Much more effective, I would say.
Here's how: look at her profile and look for the first hobby, passion, addiction, like or interest you can find or respond to: foods, sports, her idols, movies, TV shows, nothing's safe. EVERYONE has things they love to do, see, hear, etc. but NO ONE wants to overdo it, since ADDICTIONS are mostly perceived to be a bad thing by society. Guess what you're going to accuse them of?
There's her inbox with everybody saying hi, something cheesy, nothing at all in their subject, and there's this stranger who's playfully accusing her of being an addict of one of the things she loves to do most: I can't believe he's saying that! Oh no he didn't, How DARE he! and just who in the heck does he think he is? are the most common reactions to it and they all make her open your message to find out just who in the hell dares to say that,and you're IN!
Here are some examples to show you what I mean:
- She loves horses > SUBJECT: Heyyy horse junkie :P
- Her favorite food is pasta > SUBJECT: Heyyy Italy freak :P
- She just loves to play soccer > SUBJECT: Hi there soccer mom :P
- Her all-time favorite movie is Scarface ? SUBJECT: Hello Montana maniac :P
She'll instantly know what you're talking about and as you can see, all it takes is 3 to 4 words. First you greet, then you mention her hobby or interest and then you give it the addiction level status using words such as: junkie, addict, freak, maniac, groupie, etc. and let her know it's in the spirit of playfulness. The later is done using the power of the emoticon, the :P. What does it stand for? Just type it in on MSN Messenger or Yahoo Messenger, look for it in your hotmail emoticon options and you'll see a face sticking his tongue out. There you go: a playful face.
Be sure to be specific: everybody goes to clubs sometimes, everybody drinks sometimes, we all have ourselves a snack, so see if you can answer the question WHICH. Which club? Which drink? Which snack, or which fast food chain? You get the idea, so be creative with it and have fun!
How To Meet Women Online: Boost Your Success with Smart Strategies
Meeting women online can be a game-changer if you know how to navigate the digital landscape. Many men limit themselves by sticking to one profile on a single platform, missing out on countless opportunities. This guide will show you how to expand your reach and increase your chances of success by using multiple profiles across various sites.How To Meet Women Online: Avoid These Time Wasters
Navigating the world of online dating can be overwhelming with countless profiles and platforms. Here's how to streamline your approach and avoid common pitfalls.How to Meet Women Online: Two Effective Strategies for Consistent Success
Online dating can be a game of numbers and strategy. By understanding how women's inboxes work and leveraging the influx of new users on dating platforms, you can significantly improve your chances of success. Here’s how to navigate the online dating world effectively.