Assuming you’ve read the first article on how to start an Internet business in less than a week, you’ll now be familiar with the points you should be looking for in your research to achieve that perfect match between you and your chosen company. In that article, I mentioned training and this article is designed to cover that subject in more depth.
The Right Training.
Broadly speaking,

this includes both Internal and External. Each of these can be broken down further in to Professional and Personal training. The over all effect is what is commonly know as CPD. That is Continuing Professional ( or Personal ) Development.
Ideally, the company whom you work for ( or represent ) will have this in place. If not, they should be able to tell you where to go for the correct training - this is particularly important if you are going into sales / network marketing where you will, more likely than not, be paid, only according to how much you sell. This is one reason why I said in my previous article that the right training is so important. Many people fall into that particular type of work thinking a good knowledge of the Internet is enough.
I’m sorry - but it isn’t !
Starting your own business is a task ( and a risk ) in itself - so is learning to sell or market and should not be embarked upon lightly or in an amateurish fashion.
This tends to lean more towards the personal side of CPD, as it is something which you can be working on in your spare time. It is often much overlooked by the individuals who are setting up in their own business. Unless you want to become an entrepreneurial bore, it is important to get other interests as well as your work. Hobbies and sporting activities also have the added benefit of allowing you to network with new people and people will be the life blood of your new enterprise ( but you knew that already didn’t you? ).
Professional Development
If you’re wondering what the reason is why so few people succeed at online businesses, this has to be it. Those that do have merely worked their way through the maze that is Internet Marketing. Any one who is going to make money must have to offer something of value. Take it from me, if something is such a piece of cake to make money from, it won’t be long before everyone else is in on the act ( about 5 minutes where the Internet is concerned ) so taking away your precious idea.
Ideally, you need a full market training plan that will also enable you to earn money as soon as possible; along with a professional coach that will guide you on how much time you should be spending learning, marketing and generally doing other forms of CPD.
Other methods of training include your sponsor and even Internet forums where you can raise questions, not to mention a technical support dept. These are important, but more so is the market training plan and access to that marketing coach.
Personal Development
This is really more down to you and can include little things such as keeping your eyes open whilst browsing your local library for books, tapes and discs on self development. I’ve mentioned about the importance of keeping your mind active in other ways - forget not the saying - A healthy body - A healthy mind. The beauty of this sort of thing is you can usually do it for free: very important when you’re setting up on your own - believe me!
In a nutshell, you will attain the situation whereby you are doing activities that keep you healthy and alert which will make you more capable of doing a great job so creating more business, allowing you more time for activities which keep you healthy and alert etc… I think Bill Gates called this the upward spiral.
To conclude
I’m not trying to put anyone off trying starting their Internet Business - be it in a week or otherwise; rather helping people get a realistic notion of what is required. Indeed, it’s more than likely that you will lean one way or the other with your skills. You could well be the next sales and marketing genius but have little idea as to how to manage people under you ( people under you is what will happen when you are successful ). The opposite may also be true. Either way, I hope you an see how the training is so important.
A prime example of this is a story my father used to tell me about imparting knowledge onto others. He reckoned that he was taught to swim by someone who had never swum a stroke in their life and had, indeed, been terrified of water. The strange thing was this chap was the best teacher around and taught those on whom everyone else had given up.
Come to think of it, being one to spin a bit of a yarn himself, he’d probably have made a great Internet Marketer…think My Story Marketing -
Now, that’s another story.