Thousands of people are starting their own Home Based Business everyday all around the world. This step is very challenging and can be very rewarding. There are lots of opportunities fot future business owners they can choose from, especially on teh internet. At the beginning everybody are dreaming about huge success but why 95% of new internet business owners fail?
Do you think that the Ford Motor Company,

Apple Computer and Mary Kay Cosmetics have something in common? How strange it can be, but the answer is - Yes. They all started out as home based businesses.
Statistically over half of all U.S.A. businesses are based out of an owner's home. And U.S.A. is not alone. Because of today's world's financial situation, more and more people are becoming home based entrepreneurs. Internet Marketing is the most perspective and growing industry for home based business owners.
Thousands of people are starting home based business everyday with a hope to become "become rich over night". You can find hundreds of websites offering to show the secret ways to millions of dollars. And you can put them into your pocket doing nothing, if you pay a littel fee.
You must be very careful, making decisions to accept offers online. Internet can take out your money, but it can also give you fantastic opportunities to make extra money, or even reach wealthy living and quit your day job. There are a lot of companies that offer really good opportunities and support.
You must understand clearly - there are NO "become rich over night" systems.Home based internet business is the sane business, and needs time, money and your energy. It can be much rewarded, and it will be very challenging.
That's why before starting you must answer some very important questions:
- Why do you want to start home based business?
- What is motivating you?
- What will motivates you in your way when some obstacles will appear?
- Will your family support you? Will they understand your dreams?
- What are your dreams?
- What are your goals?
- Are you disciplined?
- Are you willing to commit long hours to make your business work?
- Are you organized?
- Can you manage your time?
- Do you have knowledge and skills?
- Do you like to make your own decisions?
- How much money can you put into your business?
- What kind of business you want to do?
If you know what you want, but have no experience in business, there is one more VERY important question to you:
Do you have a mentor (a successful entrepreneur who has a proven business history) who can take you by hand and show you step-be-step way, and support you through your journey that you can go safe and relaxed to your success?
The best way is to find a company or system which provides you with professionally created website and 24/7 support in all your needs, if tou choose internet business and have no idea how it works. Follow the instructions and you will have successful business, because they already made a research about the target market, what products to sell beter and how to sell. You will save a lot of your time and money. They have skills and knowledge that you don't have yet. So you can have possibility to learn and earn money at the same time.
Make a research. Find a good mentor, who is ready to help others to succeed and put all your energy into your business.
And you will be successful!
"The road to success lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it, put your soul into it - every bit of energy and ambition and naturally ability that you have."
John D.Rockefeller III