That’s ... really are million dollar home based business ... out there. Where? Well to be honest they’re ... Just like beauty being in the eye of the beholder so is ...
That’s right…there really are million dollar home based business opportunities out there. Where? Well to be honest they’re everywhere! Just like beauty being in the eye of the beholder so is opportunity. Opportunity really does greet us at every corner we turn! Opportunities are even laid out for us step by step and yet most of us either don’t see them or don’t believe what do see.
You see the real secret is…
all home based business opportunities are million dollar opportunities. It’s all in what you make of them. So let me give you a not so common example of what I mean by this….
I’m current in the midst of reading “Brining Down the House” by Ben Mezrich. If you are not familiar with the story then let me give you a quick summary. The story revolves around six college student that devised a way to beat the odds playing black jack in Las Vegas. They became so good at this task that over the years they won millions and were never detected.
Wow I thought…
Six kids created an extremely lucrative business out of playing black jack in Las Vegas.
Now normally…
Casinos make billions of dollars from having favorable odds in there table games each and every year, yet these six students discovered how to turn those odds in their favor and exploited that opportunity for millions.
They took a situation where the average person would have concluded rationally that there was no opportunity to win and they won. These six college students literally devised a way to change the odds and then created a “system” to ensure that they would succeed. In Las Vegas, no one is supposed to win, but they did!
So let me ask you a question,
If a bunch of college kids can make millions against the odds why can’t you and I make millions when all the odds are in our favor?
Most home based business opportunities offer turnkey solutions that give the average person the most favorable chance possible of creating a profit in there home business. Yet, even with the odds in their favor most people still fail in there home based business attempts.
Greed… Most people think that all they have to do is pay a few dollars and then money is going to start knocking at there door. Well, you and I know that’s not how it works…
What I failed to mention above about “Bringing Down the House” was that the students trained rigorously on the inner most details of there system before taking it live to Las Vegas. They were prepared for anything and everything and they literally new their system by heart. They set themselves up for success before the ever took a chance! (and that’s the key too success when it come down to it)
Most home business entrepreneurs do the opposite. They don’t prepare at all. They put there money on the line, they don’t learn the “system”, and then they fail. Then they claim they failed because the “system” didn’t work. Well, it’s my opinion that most home based business entrepreneurs fail not because the “system” didn’t work, but rather because they didn’t work the system correctly.
Don’t let this happen to you in your home business efforts. Please feel assured that if you’ve had proper preparation and you work your system long enough then the odds will end up on your side.
So the secret to running million dollar home based business opportunities is very simple and can be summed up in 5 simple steps:
•Spot an opportunity
•Create or take advantage of a system to exploit that opportunity
• Prepare thoroughly to exploit that opportunity
•Then work your system with the odds are in your favor until you make a profit
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