Several days ago, I write an article to show you what you need to do, if you decide that you want to have your own money making site, if you haven’t read that or you want to read that, please look at that article in this site the title is “Do You Love Money?“
If you don’t find it here, you may check it at my site at One of the most important things to guarantee your success in online business is advertising.The formula is:Advertising = traffic = subscriber = loyal subscriber = buyer There are a lot of ways to promote your home business in the internet, some of them need a great amount of money to investment, some need a less more to investment, some need 0 (zero) or FREE.If you have money to spend on promotion, you can do pay-per-click advertising and google ad words campaigns eventually. This is a much targeted way to build your business, but should not be attempted by newbie with limited budget.There are several ways to promote your home business with zero investment or little investment that will actually move your online business forward on limited budget and have you making more money that you spend.1.Maximize your autoresponder – Do you have an autoresponder? If you have already your own online business, I assumed that you have already have one of that, because we wont doubt anymore how important to have at least one autoresponder to increase your profit, if you have one, did you already make your own enzine? Your enzine can be a series of informative articles and special offers for your product; this is a proven ways to generated sales online.2.Submitting your enzine to enzine directories – this technique will help you to increase your subscriber list to your enzine, plus because many directories will ask for your domain name and post it live on their site, it will increase your “link popularity” which will ultimately improve your search engine ranking in Google and other major search engine. You can do this by visit Google or Yahoo, or other, search for “enzine directories”, when you visited each site look for a link that sound like “Submit your Enzine” to start the process.3.Write an Article – Research and write an article on a topic related to your business, that will allows the people who read your article to find out and learn more about your business, when other enzine and website publish your article (and they will!), your resource box will be include which will help you to increase traffic, gain subscriber and improve your link popularity.4.Submitting your article to article directories – the way you can do this is the same way to do this in no.2, the difference is just you seach for “ article directories “5. Link Exchange – it’s very powerful ways to increase traffic to your site, the bottom line is if you place your link on other website it’s possible when they got visitor, some of their visitor will see and interesting with your link, and they can click that.Most of the website will require a link back to their site when you put your link on their site, it’s very easy to do, just logging into your website hosting account and setting up a new links page to begin adding links for your new partners. 6.Participate at Forum – This is one of the easy and FREE ways to promote your business.When you set up your account, you can create a “signature file” which you can add a short description about your business and link back to your website or newsletter, that will be automatically add to every post that you make, it’s just like that you make a conversation with new people and you give them your own business card 7.The enzine solo ad – It may need an investment to do this , but it’s one of the best ways to promote your website and have an online selling, right now there a lot of enzine publisher have a lot of subscriber list, from few hundred until a few hundred thousand people on their mailing list, with reasonable fee, many of this publisher will allow you to send your ad to their mailing list, and because you can identify who like to be their mailing list, your add post to targeted list and make percentage of your possible selling become higher.There are several ways that you can use to reach your dream to become a successful online marketing, it’s not so hard like you always imagine right? All you need just do all of this continuously and don’t give up! Your dream may become reality if you stick to it.Have a great live
Do You Love Money?
Based on recent ... 160,000 people logon to the Internet every day for the first time. This is an ... number and is the reason why the Internet has become the most ... media that t10 Best Reasons Why You Should Start Your Own Home Business
Picture ... your neighbor must wakeup early morning and run for their live to avoid get angry for their bos, you can wake up what ever you want and go to your office without worrying about whatHOW TO PREPARE YOURSELF TO ONLINE MARKETING, AND GET RETIRE IN 10 STEPS
Have you ever dream to working at home or anywhere you please, and spend your valuable time with the one you love better than working at the office and get Yell every time your Boss got the bad mood?