the ... - the ... - the ... ... - some are looking for a business idea, some have an idea, but most just have no clue where to start. They all seem to think it should be
the Wannabees - the Strugglers - the Successful ones
Wannabees - some are looking for a business idea, some
have an idea, but most just have no clue where to start.
They all seem to think it should be free... no money, no
work and minimal time invested, while they just enjoy the
good life. You know, like draging themselves away from the
beach and their pina colladas long enough to turn on the
computer to check on tons of automatic sales being made.
This stage usually does not last very long!
Strugglers - after dealing with hype and broken promises,
they're still yearning and trying to make it. They now know
it is not free and are investing themselves, their time & as
much money as they can in promotions to get their traffic.
They post to learn, to promote affiliate programs, & some
times to circulate the ebooks they write. They're actively
in the school of hard knocks but they are not giving it up.
They're on a difficult road right now, where only the most
patient and persistant will survive to see the journey goal.
How many may give up on a business promotion and move
on to another one without ever knowing how close they've
been to success? How many times can they do this before
giving up altogether? Can this be the real reason that 5%
of the online marketers get 95% of the internet income?
Successful - most have graduated from the school of hard
knocks; paid their dues. They're the serious entrepeneuers,
the money makers. But still remembering what it was like to
get there, they are trying to offer advice to those who ask
all the forum questions. They know the only dumb question
is the one that was never asked and have great patience.
They've learned that it is also good business to help others
because it is establishing their expertise and credibility. It
perpetuates their own business success with new contacts
and opens up the discussions. Opportunities surface as well.
They are the ones who really keep the forums alive and well.
Without them, it would not be a teaching-learning situation;
It would just be a community visitation center for chit-chat.
Here's To The Wannabees Who're Still In Blissful Dreams!
Here's To The Strugglers Who're Determined To Succeed!
Here's To The Successful Who're Wise Enough To Share!
How To Put A Good Online Venture Together
The internet is probably the best ... ever for anyone to get into a ... venture of their own, at ... low cost. We're in ... ... times, why not start now? Just think aJust Looking For A Job In Cyber-space?
Many people are really just looking for a good online job. They want to know how to get a decent income from a home based job. Many people start out looking to have no more than some extra money to maWhy Post in Forums to Promote an Internet Business?
Some people feel that it's a waste of time to post in various ... and forums to promote an internet ... After all, most forums just do not allow ... You can't reach many prospect