Three Secrets to Mega-Success (Part 3 of 3)
Top Internet marketer and network marketing trainer, Chris Zavadowski, reveals his simple, proven techniques and tactics that have catapulted him to success in network marketing, online business, the performing arts and more. This is Part 3 in a 3-part series and is excerpted from a presentation he did for a $7,000/person coaching program.
I was asked to speak for a group of hand-picked entrepreneurs in a special apprenticeship program (some of them paying up to $7,000.00 to be part of the year-long home business program).And in preparing for that talk, I was forced to look at my daily success activities that allow me to play games, travel and keep the alarm clock turned off.Now, fortunately for you - you don’t have to pay $7,000.00 to hear what I came up with. You’re going to get my top 3 "secrets" for FREE right here in this three-part series!(Note: I sure as heck didn’t invent any of these secrets, but instead picked them up from MY mentors over the years. Just because they may seem simple, don’t make the fatal mistake of discounting their power. Use them and profit from them.)In the first part, I wrote about doing one pro-active thing a day to improve yourself and your business. Not only did I talk about it, but I gave you a 30-day action plan that you can easily implement in your business life to see great results.In the second installment, I revealed the power of mentors and gave a few actionable steps to help you find (and benefit from) important mentors in your life.(If you missed Secret #1 or #2 I’ve posted the past issues on this blog for you)So let’s get on to my third success secret…Success Secret #3: Leverage!This "secret" is a biggie, too! Looking back at my home business, this is the secret that’s allowed my efforts (and income) to snowball into bigger and better things.Here’s why leverage is such a magical concept: Because when you start applying it - that’s when your life and business REALLY changes. No longer are you "trading time for dollars". Personally, I hate doing something that I’ll only profit from just once!Heck, I’m getting paid today on work I did 2, 3 even 5 years ago! How did I do it? By leveraging what I created.In ALL of my businesses and websites, my goal is to create "leverage-able" content. You can do this yourself with autoresponders, websites, recorded hotlines, audios, sales letter and more. Anything that can be your "24x7 salesman" and make you money while you sleep.Let me give you a real world example of how this all works for you. Imagine you’re a 100% commissioned car salesman (or any other job really)...and you’re damn good at what you do. In fact, you make a pretty good living from it. Life is good.But the instant you stop working (or you have an illness strike)...your income stops.That’s how 99% of people do it. They choose a job or position where they only get paid when they show up and put in their 40 hours.No work = no check.Now, don’t get me wrong - the world needs those people. Many don’t know anything else other than that way of life.But since YOU know about leverage...let’s suppose you wanted to reap the benefits of it. A real easy way for you to do this is to take your sales skills and turn them into a product. A manual. A lead generation kit. A closing video series. Some type of system. The possibilities are endless. But the idea is that you take whatever it is you do...and find a way to sell it over and over and over again.Just think about it. You could sell your new "Car Selling Secrets Toolkit" over and over and over again with systems that don’t require YOU to be there each day. (I actually did this with my Dad’s specialized knowledge. We created a toolkit that leverages his skills. Now, as he moves toward retirement, he can keep on profiting from his skills without having to lift a finger!)In fact, that’s exactly what I’ve done with "Instant MLM Sales Letters". I took some of my successful prospecting letters and systems, then bundled them up into a package that helps distributors in ANY network marketing company, not just mine. Now I can sell my knowledge and skills over and over again...for work that I did ONE TIME.But there’s one BIG warning about this leverage stuff though: An easy mistake to make is chasing too many opportunities at once. Robert Allen’s buzzword is "multiple streams of income" and I think they are GREAT, but you can easily get sidetracked.Let’s face it. You’ll lose focus and energy running in too many different directions at once!Believe me, I struggle with this too. But the trick is that you need to create a PRIMARY leveraged source of income first. Don’t go chasing MLM company after MLM company. Or home biz deal after home biz deal.Stick with ONE leveraged opportunity and work it like crazy. Get it really cranking on its own...and then add another, and another, and another.I could go on and on. But by now, you’re probably wondering how this applies to your MLM business? Good question! :)Well it’s pretty much the same. You need to master a certain set of skills. You need to get good at prospecting and selling your products. Then, you need to teach your system (or your upline’s successful system) to your dowline. If you want your downline to be prospecting and building without you, it’s important that a *successful* system duplicates down through your team.Or, another route, is to make yourself the one responsible for building your business...and NOT focus on your team.For example, if you’re with a solid MLM company, you should be able to make a good living just selling the products yourself. So you could get good at selling one-on-one, then turn it into a system that you can duplicate through sales letters, mail, audios, etc.The Internet is a great tool for this, especially when you incorporate mini-sites. The nice thing about building a selling system for yourself online is that you only have to count on yourself, not your downline, for your income.In short, you can leverage yourself and your message without having to even build a team!Regardless of which route you go, next time before you do an income-producing activity...ask yourself "Can I get paid for this over and over again?". If not, give it to someone else. Then spend your time on something that will pay you again and again.Don't ever forget: Nothing beats getting paid over and over for the work you do once! :)