Success Is Not About the Tangible - Success Is About Who We Become In the Process of Getting the Tangibles!
Success is a continual process of doing certain things. Achieving is a reward received along the way to success. When we arrive at a certain place we sometimes make the mistake of thinking where we have arrived to be our success, but this is not true. Success is not about the tangible – Success Is About Who We Become In the Process of Getting the Tangibles!
There are many people who hold to the idea that ones success can be seen in the amount of money they have in their bank account. Another idea is the more money we make that this will make us more important than someone else. But does this really make anyone more the Man or Woman? Surely real success must be more than large cash deposits?!
What one is worth must have to do with more than the tangible (money, power, sex, etc.). Sure we all need money to pay our bills and buy the things in life that we want. But is that all that life is about? Is not life also about quality not just quantity? How many times have you cried or heard someone else cry “There has to be more to life than this!”
I have been working trying to make a living most of my life, then one day it hit me ‘I can not work for a living.’ No one actually works for a living! The harder we work for a living the less of a living we make. Think about this for a second! Working for a Living! When you and I work for a living we do not work for long. Why? No Reason to continue! Working for a living is really not a reason!
There are many people that hang on to their job because it has become their social club. We really do not like what we are doing to earn a living but all our friends work there. Have you ever said or heard someone else say “This job may not be the best job, but I would hate to lose all my friends that I have made by not working here anymore!”
How important is it for you to be happy? Can you and I say we are happy working for a living? How happy can a job we do not like be just because we have friends that work there? Listen, I have been there done this one and that one and I can say it did not make me feel happy or satisfied? In Fact I Found A Better Reason For Working!
I have more friends now than I ever had before when I worked the 9 to 5 grind. My friends are my upline and downline in my Home Business. We work together to help each other with common goals and dreams. We talk from time to time on the phones and get together at the company annual convention. And most important we pick our own work schedule and work around our family and close friends. Work Is Practicably A Stress Free Life!
As I mentioned in the title success is about the process. Real True Success is about working toward something not for something. You can not work for a living, but you can work toward a living. Working Toward A Living has to do with that Why? The Why Is In the Process of Getting There!
When you are working toward something then you are working on the process of having a better life. True success comes during the process of obtaining. Once you obtain what it is then you must continue working on to improve and improve and improve the quality of your life. Life Can Always Be Made Better!
True success comes as I work in whatever vocation that helps me become a better me. Becoming better at what I do, what I am, and what I hope to become is a worth while reason to keep me working for many, many years to come. This is the reason why so many individuals keep on working well past their retirement years. And when you are working at something you love and enjoy doing then it really is not conceived as work at all. Your Work Becomes Your Retirement!
“True Guaranteed Success Is A Process” of doing what you love to do each day for the rest of your life! This is the reason why those that live many years past the estimated time span do so. It is Because They Are Involved In the Vocation That Leaves Them Feeling Fulfilled About Themselves and What They Have Become!!
Find something you truly love to do, then find away to make ‘a living’ at it. Do Not Work for a Living – But Instead Work toward a Living!
You have a right to work on purpose doing that which you enjoy most. You say ‘OK, Harry I enjoy sleeping in, in the mornings, going fishing everyday of the week, and spending more quality time with my family.’ Find A Way To Make A Living Doing It and You Are Set!
You deserve a better life and you can have it. Either find away to love what you are presently doing or find away to do that which brings you extreme pleasure even if it means changing things. Do what you enjoy and find away to make a living at it. Do a little research to find your real niche in life. Live in the process of life! The process is always moving something never sitting still. For truly in the process of a thing is where we can find success – Success is always moving forward!
Copyright 2006 HM
All Rights Reserved
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