By Dane ... day I surf the web looking for ... ... new ideas, ... and a host of other things and every day I find a dozen new “Magic Systems” that proclaim ... to be
By Dane Morgan
Every day I surf the web looking for software, programs, new ideas, wholesalers and a host of other things and every day I find a dozen new “Magic Systems” that proclaim themselves to be the newest greatest thing since the last newest greatest thing.
They all scream out to the would be internet millionaire telling him just how well they will work for him.
- 7,000,000 Targeted Visitors Guaranteed!
- If This Doesn’t Make You Money, Nothing Will!
- You can make $5,000 To 20,000 In You Spare Time!
- Amazing Formula Floods Your Bank Account With Money!
You’ve seen these; and more, I’ll bet.
Now I am sure that some of them actually are good solid programs with proven techniques that, if worked, work. But that’s the clincher; they don’t make you a dime if you join up pay your dues and sit back and wait. They work, if you work them.
For instance, I belong to the MPAM Team. It is a great system and generates a lot of traffic for me. Or does it? MPAM does not generate a single hit for me until I take the initiative and put some work into it. Even the “Free” hits that I got from it when I signed up required that I go through the lessons and sign up for some programs. Had I stopped there, my small efforts would have yielded some small results. But if I really wanted the system to work for me I had to make a commitment to work the system.
That means hitting the exchanges and generating some hits through them. That means Mailing to the safe lists and posting to the FFAs and directories. That means going back through the lessons until I understand them, or asking for help in the chat room or forums if I can’t understand them on my own. It means I have to do what the system requires so the system can produce the results it is designed to produce.
Imagine if I got a car and started driving it, but I refused to first learn how it operated; refused to add fluids and gasoline to it; refused to maintain it. How far would I get in that car? The car is a mechanical system designed to produce transportation from one place to another. And it does do that, but only if I do what is required of me to make that system operate.
So many of the people I talk to on line today want to find some magic system that will transport them from their 9-5 jobs to self ownership and financial freedom. But they don’t want to put any gas in the system, they don’t want to promote the system, they don’t want even want to drive the system. And they sit back and wonder why it doesn’t work.
It doesn’t work because they don’t.
If your program is not producing the results you thought it would, maybe you need to take another look, not just at the system, but at yourself. Go over the owner’s manual again. Are you doing the things it says are required for proper operation? If you are, then look at getting out of the program and finding another one, but if you are not, then don’t blame the program. Don’t blame yourself either. Just start working the system as it was intended to be worked.
Dane Morgan is the webmaster of where he offers free advice and information for internet marketers and online business people. He writes a weekly newsletter, the Free Software Club and is a platinum MPAM member.
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