Today's reality is that any worker is subject to retrenchment because he is treated as just another business resource. The days of life-time employment is over and the security of a job no longer exists. Anyone with a job as his sole avenue for income has to prepare himself for the eventually of retrenchment. In order to secure himself financially everyone working has to learn to be an entrepreneur.
The current economic situation and millions losing their jobs points out extremely clearly why one needs to depend on oneself and not an employer for making a living! To do this, one needs to be an entrepreneur, meaning you need a skill to make money with your own business.
Anyone depending solely on a job for a living would be almost completely lost if he loses his job. Unfortunately ever since the Multi-Nationals Companies began treating employees as just another business resource, albeit commodity, the age of life-long employment seizes. Satisfying shareholders' financial expectations became the sole reason for a business enterprise. Coupled this with the practice of achieving short term objectives and the need to maintain share prices, retrenching workers became a normal business practice. Words like 'downsizing' and 'business rationalizing' became common business parlance.
This dehumanizing of business enterprises, prevalent throughout the 18th and 19th century industrializing Britain, was revived and practice by most, especially western businesses. The new reality in capitalist America means a worker is subject to his job being taken away any day. This means that the individual worker must realize quickly the insecurity of a job; also why he need to be an entrepreneur.
What then is a worker to do to secure himself? Off course there are skills like being a doctor or dentist and others which are not down sizable. However, most workers are dispensable! Henry Ford, the car genius, once said that 'money is not a man's security; he is his own security'. What he meant was that a man's security lies in his knowledge and skills. However, if your skill and knowledge is tied to working for someone then that skill can be replaced any time. However, Henry Ford is not wrong; if a man's skills and knowledge is in creating a money making enterprise; i.e. being an entrepreneur. Robert Kiyoskai, a highly successful entrepreneur himself, said that 'every man must mind his own business'. What he meant is that 'to have security a person must learn to develop his own money making business'. Is this possible? Every man? In my opinion in today' new reality any worker who wants financial security has no other option!
But what if you are not retrenched yet? Do you have some time to learn? Could you invest in a money-making skill that can provide an alternative income? Could you learn to be an entrepreneur with little resources and connections? The answer is yes but you have to adopt an entrepreneur mind-set; which really means that you to start believing in possibilities! Remember that when Bill Gates and Steve Jobs started their little enterprises in garages all they had mainly were their belief in possibilities. The amazing fact is that because of them the possibilities have increased exponentially with the advent of the internet.
Besides a strong belief in possibilities, an entrepreneur is one who learns to gather resources, knowledge and skills and organize them into money making processes. In most conventional businesses, this is usually a huge ask for any newcomer. However, if you choose to become an internet entrepreneur it becomes much easier: the main thing you would need is a good PC, some money (mostly affordable), a willingness to learn and a lot of belief in yourself. What is to be learned is seldom difficult; anyone can make money online. If your motivation is create a secure financial situation for you and your loved ones, then you need to be an internet entrepreneur.
The thing to do is to find some successful practitioners who are honest and have their own strong reasons to want to help you succeed; and they do exist. To learn about how to develop your own online business you can go to a site named You would find arguably, the most successful super affiliate. Rated highly by many successful online practitioners, this guy provides a comprehensive program and would teach you the complete skills to make it. It's also done in a simple step-by-step manner which allows even the novice to follow. Wishing you all the best!
Louis Lim
How Do You Acquire An Entrepreneur’s Mindset?
In this article, the author, argues that having a correct mindset is essential for starting an enterprise. He explains what having an entrepreneur mindset means and how it is acquired. For a business to start correctly the new owner must have the right paradigm and the latter can be taught. He explains that becoming an entrepreneur is made easier by the internet and the lessons provided by successful internet marketing practitioners.What Makes An Entrepreneurial Mindset?
This article describes the kind of mindset you need to be a successful entrepreneur. The author has gathered from his many experiences with new start-ups and advising businesses what it takes to see through a successful business. Conventional businesses involves great risk of resources particularly money; however internet marketing reduces them considerably. It’s easier to be an entrepreneur through internet marketing!What Is An Entrepreneur? (or How You Can Easily Be One On The Internet)
In this article the author describes what an entrepreneur is and the knowledge and skills required to be one. Starting a business is hard but the internet has taken out largely, the great risk and money resources required. One can make money online easier through Internet Marketing. This article leads one to a simple process to start an Online business.