For many business opportunity seekers, identifying the top home business can be daunting. How do you know which network marketing business opportunity to choose, especially with so many launches of "the next in thing' not to mention the scams out there. Adopt these 5 simple tips when reviewing an opportunity and you'll have absolute certainty when making your decision.

I'm still in amazement! 3 weeks ago I made the decision to play the role of a new business opportunity seeker once again and began my search for a top home business. Gee, I didn't foresee what I experienced. In fact it's horrific out there.
OK, I'll be honest, with my eye for detail and my perfectionist nature, I possibly analyzed things in more depth that most people. But my intention was to understand the options available for new comers to the network marketing business opportunity industry, and to determine how I would decide which top home business venture to follow. This would also allow me to be more informed when speaking to my prospects.
I was shocked at just how many network marketing business opportunities are being advertised. Starting from nutritional supplements (by the millions), home décor, gourmet foods, jewelry through to education, technology and travel.
Furthermore, I was overcome at the number of "sketchy" companies out there. It's turmoil - where have I been hiding? Safely in my own business environment it seems. It's no wonder business opportunity seekers seem somewhat confused… How can you blame them?
With the current economic times there is a huge surge in the volume of individuals searching to join a network marketing business opportunity. And good for them, it's without hesitation the most gratifying industry there is (from a lifestyle and a financial perspective). Sadly however, so many people conduct insufficient and ineffective due diligence before making a decision then blame the network marketing industry if they fail.
One thing that became obvious during my "new kid on the block" due diligence exercise is just how critical this phase is in contributing to your success in your business. If you gain nothing else from this article, gain this single point. You will be eternally grateful that you made an informed decision before committing to a top home business venture.
During my network marketing career, I've learnt some worthwhile lessons from many successful and respected network marketers, as well as from my own personal experiences. These lessons provided the foundation for my success today. I reveal some them below and I encourage all business opportunity seekers as well as current network marketers to think about the following crucial questions in your quest to finding the top home business.
1. Core value match - does the company's values mimic your core values and beliefs?
2. Culture and leader match - does the culture of the company inspire you to achieve significance? Does the leadership of the team you join assist you in reaching your FULL potential? When selecting a leader ensure you connect with that person as they will be your business partner and mentor for years ahead.
3. Mass market, little competition - the perfect situation is to engage in a large target market with little competition, if any. In my opinion the network marketing business opportunities in lotions, potions and nutritional supplements are over marketed. Be astute when choosing which "game" to play in.
4. Passion determines results - ask yourself this question, "Would I purchase these products or services even if I was not involved in the business opportunity?" Your answer should guide your decision about that network marketing business opportunity.
5. Active leadership speaks volumes - are the company leaders active in the business or are they bystanders? Be wary of this, behind every successful company is active leadership.
Ordinary people are able to achieve extra-ordinary success with network marketing - the only such industry in the world. Whatever success means to you (financial independence, quality family time, improved self confidence, time freedom), the right network marketing business opportunity can afford you the platform to achieve your dreams. Don't let anything or anyone rob you of your dreams. Follow the rules above, extend your wings and aim for the stars - they're absolutely within your reach!