There are two ways to store and manage data – online and in-house. Find out the advantages of employing online backups and why you should upload backup data.
Companies keep their files and records for at least five years. This is because certain occasions can arise that might need the recall of information pertaining to past company transactions. If the volume of data is large,

you would expect them to spend big sums of money to create reliable backup systems to ensure that data is always available for future reference. Of course, backup systems are there not only for possible future demands; even more essential is storing data and keeping them current for current use. The most common system utilized to accomplish this is through the creation of in-house or online backups. The latter is gaining the nod of many companies. Basically, they only have to upload backup data to online storages managed by companies specializing in creating and maintaining online files and archiving systems.
The arguments for switching to online data backups from the conventional in-house system are many and weighty. Data files stored in disks and tapes have to be frequently replaced, thereby becoming prone to errors. The whole backup process is time-consuming and labor intensive and thus, it has to be subjected to strict monitoring. Although safeguarding data is a task that companies cannot take for granted, they would rather have their employees spend more time on revenue generating functions.
According to a recent survey, around 80% of data retained by businesses, especially large ones, belong to archives category. This needs a lot of computer space, which slows down data management processes if they are using disks and tapes to create backups and archives. Also a fire, theft, and other kinds of disasters in the office can cost companies years of accumulated data that can negatively affect operations. Storing data online then makes a lot of sense.
Many companies are increasingly resorting to online backup storage. The process used to be as costly and slow as the in-house method, but new technology has enabled many online archiving service providers to speed up the process and lower the costs.
Like in everything else, however, one has to be discriminatory in choosing the right service provider. In addition to offering a safer way of storing backups, online storing is definitely safer. The service provider must be able offer faster updating and retrieval processes, compared to the most efficient in-house method.
There a few companies specializing in this type of services. All one has to do is browse their websites to determine the suitability of offered or advertised features to backup requirements. Some boast the ability to perform state-of-the-art daily encrypting, compressing, updating, and uploading of files via the Internet to a security-guaranteed data exchange center. They offer innovative features that create backup histories that allow for selective retrieval. Companies do not have to download the whole backup batch; only those that are needed, considerably reducing retrieval times. These are the major features that companies should expect from a good online data manager, but there are other things that can be as convincing like, of course, at what price, volume capacity, functionality of interface, simplicity of installation and operation, and more.
Today, there are easier solutions to the creation of backup files. If you are a company spending an inordinate amount of time maintaining in-house backup, then online backups may just be the thing for you. Simply upload backup data and rest easy.