Why You're Still Not Making Money on the Internet
If you are still not making money on the internet even though you have been at it for a while there are some likely reasons why. Although starting an online business is a great way to break out on your own your success in business may take some time. Read more to see 7 ‘possibilities’ as to why your success in business online may be taking longer than expected.
If you are still not making money on the internet even though you have been at it for a while there are some likely reasons why. Although starting an online business is a great way to break out on your own you need to realize your success in business may take some time. On the other hand if you are still not earning money online after a few weeks the source of the problem may be you,

Here are 7 'possibilities' as to why your success in business online may be taking longer than expected.
Chasing Too Many Opportunities
There are many opportunities for earning money online to the point that it is almost like a candy store with such a wide selection. Well choose your 'opportunity' and move forward in that direction. It is very common for people to see different things come along that they feel will get them their 'gratification' even quicker. Avoid this temptation since all you will end up doing is getting caught up in a cycle of continually starting over. Little or no progress will ever be made.
Bitching Why It Can Not Be Done
Reacting to set backs or mistakes by feeling it can not be done or blaming it on others is a defeatist attitude. Not only are you wasting time and energy but it is only stalling your progress and will not help you find success in business when working online. Learn from setbacks, focus and remain positive or you will find the going very difficult.
No Persistence
Persistence is an absolute key if you are looking to be successful as an online entrepreneur. For things to get done you will have to do them and in a consistent and persistent fashion. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day and don't expect your business will be either.
Stopped Learning
The internet environment is a very dynamic one that will require ongoing learning just to keep up with all the changes. Once you stopped learning/adapting your business and therefore your progress will stall and eventually fail.
Information Overload
On the other hand if you are too focused on trying to absorb even bit of information you come across you can easily suffer from information overload. Much like a deer that freezes in the glare of headlights you yourself will suffer from 'analysis paralysis' once again stalling your progress.
Not Implementing What You Know
As you learn 'new' things put them to use since that is why you learned them in the first place. It is not all too uncommon for people to spend time absorbing new information that can help them with their business and then not use it. This is normally because people think it may take too much time to implement due to their lack of familiarity with what they just learned. The net result is a waste of time spent in the learning process and a loss of efficiency that could be experienced if new techniques were implemented.
Too Impatient
Many people fail to remember that their internet business is just that, a business, and it will take time for it to prosper. Claims of overnight success are rubbish however many have taken to believe those claims and therefore expect those results. When success does not come quickly people tend to lose their focus and invest less effort. The result is that their success is even further postponed and their efforts therefore become even less.
Although making money on the internet does not normally occur overnight with a little focus and effort you should see progress quickly. When starting an online business realize it may take a little while before you start making a steady income. However if you have 'been at it' for more than a few weeks and you are still not earning money online the fault likely is with you! The 7 'possibilities' reviewed above for why you are not making money stems more from 'habits' you may need to break as oppose to the business opportunity. Remember your online marketing efforts should be treated like a business because it is, and therefore requires consistent focus and effort before success is achieved. Simply keep at it and maintain your focus!