Write Your Own Check - Learn How To Make Money Writing Online
For people who love to write, article marketing is an obvious choice for how to make money writing online. The key is to know how to turn your writing into a consistent, sustainable income. Join me as I discuss how you can enjoy the same success other online writers have attained.
Since you enjoy writing,
how would you like to write your own check? You can learn how to make money writing online and do just that. More than that, the method I am going to discuss here keeps writing you checks long after you have done the work.Sound interesting?For people like yourself who enjoy writing, article marketing is a natural fit to either make some extra money to pay bills or buy extras. But it can also become a full time income for you, doing what you like to do.In essence, article marketing, also called internet marketing or even "bum marketing", is just a process of writing about products or services that you have an interest in and can convey some worthwhile information to the reader about. Just use a conversational tone, as if talking with a friend.After a while, you will find that your readers ARE your friends. What you do is discuss features and benefits of these products or services that you probably use or have used yourself, and do so in written form. You can even supplement what you write with videos if you want, it is up to you.You can make money writing online more than one way. In fact, I have helped others make money with article marketing and then use a byproduct of their work to bring in additional residual income for months afterward.The key point in how to make money writing online is that you follow a proven strategy. Many people fail or just up and quit their writing because they go at it haphazardly without any planning.What I suggest to those who come to me for help making money online is that they follow a blueprint for their online work that takes them step by step from start through to getting that first online paycheck.The blueprint we use for article marketing is the
"4 Day Money Making Blueprint" which has proven itself over and over again to be successful. The course is video based and works well for beginners to internet marketing as well as those who have some experience but have struggled to earn consistent income online.The basic building blocks of success you will learn are:
- Researching the niche and finding keywords
- Building a lens, hub or free blog
- Writing additional articles
- Creating backlinks
All of these steps are clearly taught in an easy to learn video format.You want more than just to learn how to make money writing online. What you really want is to make consistent, sustainable income online, isn't it? Writing is how we achieve that, but following a proven blueprint for success is critical.Your success is important to me and that is why I have created the "Companion Guide to the 4 Day Money Making Blueprint". The guide is a bonus available at my website http://www.HowToEarnMoneyVideo.com. Stop by and let's succeed together.