Writing jobs at home are a good opportunity to make money and enjoy all the benefits of working from the comfort of your own home. Find out more about freelance writing opportunities.
Writing jobs at home can be a great way to generate extra income. There are many opportunities for freelance writers including technical writing, business writing, website writing and writing for greeting card companies. You need to decide what you are good at and find appropriate freelance writing opportunities. Here are some ideas on how to find writing jobs to get you started.
Online Freelance Sites
Freelance market places such as Elance and Guru allow you to bid for writing projects advertised by the client. Once you have registered with the site and uploaded a profile and some examples of your work you can begin to bid for those writing jobs that fall within your capability range and that interest you. Other freelance sites list writing assignments and help you to connect with potential clients. These include Craigslist and Freelancewriting.com. Some companies directly outsource their writing assignments to freelancers including textbroker.com.
Sites that provide lists of freelance blogging assignments include performancing.com and problogger.net. Writers usually get paid per post and should keep to a regular posting schedule.
Website Guide or Expert
A number of information related websites will pay writers to gather information and write on various topics. Examples include organizedwisdom.com which pays guides to write on health and medical related issues. About.com is always looking for writing experts to provide content on a wide range of topics. This is a good writing opportunity if you have specialist knowledge in some area. Retired professionals are often utilized by these websites.
Mailing Lists
Writers can subscribe to online mailing lists that list writing jobs at home. Some sites offer free subscriptions to their newsletters including firstwriter.com. In addition to listing freelance writing opportunities these newsletters also provide advice and help to freelance writers.
Writing for Greeting Card Companies
This can be a lucrative writing opportunity. There are a number of greeting card companies that encourage submissions from freelance greeting card writers. Payment for accepted submissions range from company to company and vary from $300 to $25 per submission. Greeting card writers can turn their creativity into cash and have fun while earning money. You can find out more about cracking the greeting card market at Freelance Greeting Card Jobs.
Finding writing jobs at home requires commitment and perseverance. As a freelance writer you need to be both reliable and responsible. However, once you have established a market for your writing the opportunities to earn extra income are excellent.
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