Your Online Fortune is Just a Click Away!

Jan 1


Steve McClain

Steve McClain

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Your Online Fortune is just a Click Away! By Steve ... before you flick the switch on your Internet ... make sure you've nailed the basics and your strategy ... sound.W


Your Online Fortune is just a Click Away!

By Steve McClain

But before you flick the switch on your Internet Marketing
Machine make sure you've nailed the basics and your strategy is
fundamentally sound.

While the Dallas Cowboys Defensive Coordinator,Your Online Fortune is Just a Click Away! Articles Ernie Stautner
told me "the difference between a Pro and a Non Pro is the
Professional does the basics extremely well". And that I have
found to apply to just about everything in life and especially in
starting and operating a profitable online business.

The Information Superhighway is littered with road kill. The
phenomenal advantages of Internet Marketing vs Traditional
Marketing has lured many to jump right in unprepared and you can
avoid being hit head on by subscribing to informative
publications like this one and seeking help and advise from the

Before you launch make sure your product or service is a proven
winner for marketing online. Set up in detail every operation
and every procedure and then automate everything. Finally, put in
place your marketing strategies to build an ever increasing
traffic to your site.

You could have the hottest most desired product and the latest
greatest web site with all the bells and whistles but if no one
ever sees it your not going to make any sales. Building traffic
will be where you'll want to concentrate your efforts, and since
there's not going to be much time for setting up operations, do
all you can before you launch.

For example; offline products and services crash and burn in
cyberspace! How long can you tread water trying to stay afloat
against the current? You'll want careful strategic planning on
what products and services you plan to market, especially if you
don't have unlimited resources.

By far the easiest to launch and most profitable online business
ventures tend to be among three categories. Information
Products, Network Marketing and Affiliate Programs.

When people go online they are not looking to buy anything!
Sorry! I don't mean to burst your bubble especially if your
really passionate about your product or service. However, people
are willing to pay a premium price for specific highly targeted
information especially when it's instantly available. You'll do
quite well with high demand digital information products that a
customer can download from your site the instant their credit
card is approved. The Internet is ideally suited for this type
of product and business.

Network Marketing also tends to be particularly suited to the
strengths of the Internet. Hugh numbers of total strangers from
a global market are filling downlines that once consisted of a
few badgered family members and friends. I particularly like to
utilize the tremendous power of Internet Network Marketing to
build traffic to my main site and products.

The third business model that does especially well online is
aligning yourself with an existing company as an Affiliate who
receives commissions. There are a great number of Affiliates who
do extremely well with no web site or products of their own.
They prefer to focus their time and efforts on marketing alone.
This advantage makes it possible to effectively manage and
promote multiple affiliate programs simultaneously. Like many
Webmasters, my affiliate programs serve as a convenient link, an
"in addition case you need it".

More often that not, your not going to be able to quit your day
job marketing in just one or two of these three categories no
matter how well they do. Once you get one product or program to
produce a profit say at a realistic $400 to $700 per month then
start another, then another. Make sure your basics are covered so
you can move on with out having to keep looking back over your
shoulder. Because promoting Multiple streams of income at $400 to
$700 per month each can easily add up to $5000 to $10,000 per
month. The Pros do $1000 or more per day perhaps you will too.

Steve McClain is the Webmaster of Instant Internet Empires at: and publisher of Enterprise Issues
newsletter that brings you powerful Internet Marketing Concepts
and Traffic Strategies that you can use right now! Subscribers
get 14 FREE Internet Marketing eBooks a $260 value.
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