When choosing a commercial roofer, you need to find someone with the kind of characteristics that the person well-suited to high-altitude construction work.
Not everyone has what it takes to be a commercial roofer. In fact,
a fairly low percentage of the general population that could even potentially achieve such a highly regarded profession. If you're interested in pursuing the tar-trimmed world of roofing, you should first consider your internal gut reactions to the following circus acts.
1. Trapeze Artists
When you see those lithe young bodies twisting and twirling through the air, swinging from one narrow thread-of-a-rope to another, do you cringe? As you notice the spider's web hung beneath their flailing bodies, forming the only boundary between them and the cold, hard concrete floor, do you bite your lip? If, instead, you sit on the edge of your seat, wide-eyed with a fairly even mixture of amazement and envy, you just might be cut out for the roofing profession
2. The Guy on Stilts
In some circus rings, this person may be dressed up as a clown, in others, as Uncle Sam or some other legendary character whose stature seems to rise above the crowd. Do you look at him, and wonder at his balance and finesse, or do you think to yourself, "I could totally do that. No problem"?
If you know you could never balance atop wooden pedestals with nothing in your hands, you 're likely not a person who should consider a profession in which you'd be regularly climbing a ladder or scaffolding, tools in hand, up several stories to a roof.
3. The High Wire Act
Sometimes, the performers walk across, holding a rod for balance. Other times, they carry a second daredevil on their shoulders or even ride across on a unicycle. Like the trapeze artists, only a thread-bare net lies between them and the cement floor.
The crowd gasps, babies cry, and a nearby fire truck's siren breaks the silence, but the skilled tight-rope walker remains calm and balanced. Are you pretty sure your heart would be in your throat, and your body at the mercy of that skimpy net? Or do you kind of wish they'd let you take a shot at it?
4. The Juggler
You just thought it was amazing when he kept three balls floating through the air, in that perfect circular cycle. Then, he kept adding balls, then switched to rings and bowling pins. No! He isn't really going to try to throw and catch those flaming torches, is he?! Yes, he is! If you have to close your eyes and think you smell the stench of burning flesh, perhaps you're too squeamish for the roofing profession. But if you love the artful multitasking expertise you're seeing, a career in commercial roofing might just be for you.
Unlike any of the circus acts you've ever seen, as a commercial roofer, you won't be likely to ever receive applause. But, if you're good, you will receive repeat business and steady pay, as well as an incredible view from your "office window."