5 Reasons to Own a Gun Safe
A gun safe, gun cabinet or wall safe is an important part of any gun owner's personal property. The decision to own this specialized yet highly practi...
A gun safe,

gun cabinet or wall safe is an important part of any gun owner's personal property. The decision to own this specialized yet highly practical type of storage container for your firearm is a responsible part of being a gun owner. By thinking through all the good reasons you have for owning a safe for your weapons you will soon realize just how essential these stylish and very practical pieces of equipment may be.
One of the most important reasons that gun owners need to consider about owning a gun safe is that, in many states, it is legally required if you have firearms. This legal requirement is not uncommon in the United States and is universal in Canada and other countries. The requirement is not to restrict the owner of the weapon from having access to the guns but rather to ensure that thieves, visitors, family members and even children don't have access to the guns without the owner's permission and supervision.
Gun owners that only have one or two weapons may not think that a gun cabinet is a necessity for their particular situation. However, guns, like anything, can be misplaced, left lying about or even mistakenly put in an incorrect and unsafe area of the home. If you have a safe and make a habit of using it you will never have to stop and consider where your weapon may be. This is particularly important if you have children and others in the home that may be tempted to touch or handle the firearm without your supervision and permission.
The third important consideration to buying a safe is that they are a very practical place to keep a variety of valuables besides just your guns. Many gun safes have shelves, cubbies and storage areas that can be used for jewelry, documents or other valuable items. With the virtual indestructibility of these devices the valuables, as well as your weapons, are sure to stay safe in the event of fire, theft attempts or other types of disasters.
Fourth is the safety that a safe provides to your guns themselves. Storing your weapons in any type of cabinet, wall or desk type of safe will ensure the gun is not exposed to moisture, is kept free from scuffs and scratches and isn't banging about in a drawer with other metal objects. Your guns will stay much cleaners and with much less visible damage in a safe than just on a shelf, rack or in that drawer beside the bed. Purchasing a gun cabinet with a fabric or padding type of lining can even enhance the new look of your guns regardless of how many times they are in and out of the cabinet.
The new styles of gun safe models also provide a variety of lock options, meaning you can have almost instantaneous access to your weapons. Gone are the days of trying to dial a combination, although there are still those old style locks available on different models. New options include biometric locks that are set for your fingerprints, perfect to restrict access to the contents to only those you choose and set up on the lock. Electronic locks with digital combinations are a great option for single or multiple users and require just a simple battery change once a year to keep the lock keypad fully operational. Standard keyed locks or combinations of locks are also a possibility; just check the models and options to find one that works best for you.